Friday, November 09, 2007

Yoga, And Sore Muscles.... is that possible??

You know when you think of Yoga........ you really don't think of "working" your body out. but oh you do, in such a different way. ... and my muscles are hurting, but not the way they were hurting before, and I don't know how to explain it. it's like okay, I've been shallow breathing for like ever..... and all of the sudden I am doing this exercises that require me to take in deep breaths, you know the kind....... "feel your self breathe, feel the breath coming from the tailbone", since when do you breathe from your tailbone??? hey but if you concentrate, really concentrate, you can feel as your lungs expand...., you can almost imagine, as your spine lengthens that just maybe, just maybe the tailbone IS breathing!! So past couple of days I've been forcing my lungs to expand, and i have been holding this position and taking almost 30-40 seconds to release one breath. I really believe that I am feeling better. Am drinking so many fluids...... lots of water, I've stopped the diet soda, (don't think that is good for you any more than regular soda is ) today at work I am drinking mini pots of herbal tea, right now its chamomile and mint, and hey didn't even use splenda, and didn't realize i didn't use it until after the pot of tea was already done. I may work late tonight, and if i do, i brought the yoga for weight loss tape with me, but i am thinking maybe i shouldn't do this everyday yet?? i will have to check this out, i know when i weight lift, i need a day in between to rest the muscles. Also, If i don't work late, I plan on going to Curves a few days early. I am feeling better, and I am not coughing hardly at all. So instead of Monday, I was thinking about going tomorrow morning.

Hey Patti, you know how for years, you worked at getting your body healthy, loosing sizes ..... and you kept plugging along... but it was a time when it just "clicked". well for my buddy Christina....... it just clicked for her, and she looks great. oh she's been working at it, and she's been exercising..... for years. Well lately these pants that she kept in her closet, are fitting her..... and she's really just learning to eat smart..... I am so proud of her~~~ wait until you meet her Patti, you two will get along, i just know it.

the Curves Nutrition plan is really a sound plan, with easy to follow directions it's all about lean protein, complex carbs, eating frequently, lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. It's about learning to read labels and know that all "whole wheat" breads are NOT created equal. It's about drinking water, and exercising..... and loving yourself in the process

Okay on another topic............. GREAT NEWS!!!! Andrew had his last day of Therapy today(vestibular therapy) it was intense therapy, and the last time he went he got sick. the therapist said she'd like to train other area therapist to learn vestibular therapy, but the one machine alone cost well over $120,000 It is a bugger to get to this part of Pittsburgh, and it's at least 45 minutes away and I told his therapist I'd of brought him 7 days a week if I had too!!! It is awesome to know that after the accident, and when they figured out that when one eye focused, the other went in a different direction, that the EYES could be trained to work together again. So Andrew has this triangle of help, His concussion specialist, His headache specialist, and Vestibular therapist........ and they all work together for the best interest of Andrew. Now Andrew may have only went weekly to the therapist, but he had lots of "homework" and exercising that he had to do twice a day when he didn't go... why am i rambling again, I'm just happy right now, and my happiness is well deserved, but there is a slight shadow in my joy..... and i am remembering beautiful Nathan, and his difficulties. I've just drank a teaspoon out of the gallon of hardship that Nathan and his family must feel. And I am humbled with this knowledge!!! I was told from the very beginning that Andrew would get better....... the time frame could of been 2 weeks to a year, BUT the prognosis was almost 100% healing. Nathan's family doesn't have that prognosis, actually these people don't really even know what to expect.. they have to just take one day at a time, the good and the bad. Please Please Please keep Kellie and her family in your prayers.

Well I should go and work...........since i am at work!!!!

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