A few weeks ago the store shelves were filled with bright orange and black, pumpkins and witches, skeletons and ghosts, blood and "guts.....and then on November First, green and red took over, Santa and Snowmen, evergreen trees and ornaments, fake snow and lights!!!! well, it is bad enough that we took Christ out of Christmas, but to take "Thanks" out of giving now!!! What is happening to Us? Our world is moving faster and faster!!! and where do we hold on? (Hey i wrote a little poem about that years ago, when i felt the world was getting so scary). Yeah maybe we can't change the entire world over night, but we can start with our lives, our home. Instead of give me, give me, and I want, I need!!!! start saying Thank you, I have.... , what can I give to you? what can I do for you?
Thanksgiving was my moms favorite holiday of the year, and when i was younger, I just couldn't understand that. first off, you don't get presents on Thanksgiving, you don't go door to door getting candy either!!!! you don't receive cute little red heart shaped cards. and gee there aren't any fireworks to ohhhhh and awwwwwwwwww over!!! Thanksgiving for my mom, was getting up at 3am to put the 20 lb turkey in the oven, even though you just went to bed at 1am after making 10 pies.... i came from a big family with little money....... but we had food. and my mom was an awesome cook. my mom spent her life being thankful for what she had, she was thankful that we were all there to sit around the table. she was thankful for the food daddy put on the table. She didn't have to stress abut presents, or decorations, or shopping!!! Now that I am older, I understand how truly important Thanksgiving is. God Thank you for all that you have done for me. Bill Thank you for always putting me first. Kids Thank you for loving me for no reason other than I am your mom. And my Friends Thank you for being such an important part of my life
Ahhhhhhhhh, Thanksgiving.........my cup is overflowing!!!!
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