Thursday, November 15, 2007

bad news.......good news, bad news........good news!!!!

well,BAD NEWS is.......... The car that Katie uses, yesterday while she was driving on a major highway, the brakes quit... i mean 100% no brakes, she was driving about 60 miles an hour, and she went to slow down because a car was turning in front of her, and the brakes where gone... GOOD NEWS, she was able to ride on the side of the road, and pump the brakes enough to slow the car down, she was able to eventually stop the car on the side of the road. She wasn't injured, and she prevented an accident. (thank you God)
BAD NEWS, Andrew has greatly regressed since he tried the one day of back to school. he went to school on Tuesday, came home from school and has basically slept until noon today. he has a bad headache, extreme dizziness, foggy mind, he can't even watch TV right now. He is now back to home schooling as tolerated until at least mid December. GOOD NEWS, the prognosis is and remains excellent,. His physicians warned that this could happen if he wasn't careful about listening to the signals of his body. Andrew wanted so bad to be back to normal, that he pushed himself too hard, and as a way for the brain to "protect" it self while healing...... it stopped working for him. We all tried to tell Drew, to go slow, tell someone when your head feels funny......etc... but we must remember, He is still just 16. and kids tend to think they are Invincible... hopefully he has learned his lesson. As mom and dads we are going to have to be more diligent in making sure we monitor how Andrew is doing, and what he is doing...

well i am going to get going right now, I went to Curves today and loved it. I am working hard again, and it feels sooooooooooo good.

1 comment:

Kellie said...

As a parent it is hard to see your child go through things like this. When it is the brain there is no control over how fast it heals. Some times it will feel like one step forward and two steps back. Keep in mind that Andrew will heal just in his own time. Being a 16 year old boy that is hard to understand. Most teenage boys think they are Superman or something. LOL I am glad you are going back to Curves. One just opened up not far from here. They are offering a free 30 day trial membership. I think I am gonna do it if there are no strings attached. It is the week of Thanksgiving and you and I both have many things to be thankful about.