I spent a part of my morning at the high school, one, discussing how to get my son's (Corey) geometry grade up, and two, talking with the Principal and faculty about Andrew. This school has been awesome dealing with Andrew. they are literally putting out the red carpet for this boy... they've moved classes around, changed teachers, deleted some classes....they have worked it out that he will have breaks in between each class. subjects like Chemistry, that require a lot of brain power, he will be able to use open book policy even for test. He will have a tutor in school as well as an evening tutor at home to help with his school work and projects. for a while he will have 1/2 days. I will be picking him up before noon!!! Wow, and Dilemma 2007 at the Blystone household is coming to a close!! I am blessed.
Actually i am doing great........ is my washing machine still broke? yup! Is my clothes dryer ready to crash? yup! Is my car's check engine light on? yup!, does the car make a really really funny noise? yup! Is our Car Insurance, house Insurance, and property taxes due ? yup!! ...... And I just figure that it will work out. it always does, my husband has been offered unlimited overtime right now, a thing that never happens. I keep getting called to "take" days for co workers.... actually picking up one tomorrow too. My husband and daughter and son Corey has offered to take all the clothes to the laundry mat and wash them while i am at work tomorrow. You know all about Christina, but she has this equally wonderful husband, whom i adore!!! Larry is one of those men, who in my eyes .......seems to be able to do anything and everything, and can do nothing wrong!!! Not counting my hubby Bill, my X father in law, and Chris' husband are the top 2 of my favorite guy list. and of course if my daddy were still alive, he'd be up there too. When Albert first left me, i was clueless, scared, and lost about things........ It was Larry who kept an eye on my car for me, or came up and checked why i didn't have water coming out of the faucet, or plowed my driveway when it snowed a foot..... Now that i have my wonderful husband Bill........who knows slightly more than my nothing, we both rely on Larry to Check our washing machine out/ tell us the part we need/ and then fix it! Bill always checks with Larry before he attempts anything on the house. (Larry is the one that did our family room, and added on our master suite) When an appliance needs installed, we get Larry! I truly don't know what I'd do with out that family. That is why I'd do just about anything for them!!!
So i guess it really is all about Attitude! and I guess although i cannot control everything breaking down around me. I can control my reaction to it! And i can Look to the Heavens and be thankful for my life, trials and all.............. gee I bet Satan hates that!!!
Oh, I am so happy that Andrew is doing so well! Does this mean that you've stopped hovering?
Who loves ya, sis??
Hi Kim
Welcome back!!
Yay Andrew!!!!!!! Hope all goes well.
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