Friday, June 15, 2007

I just feel like...........

........ quiting!!! It's not even PMS time, But i am just not into it this week. I am tired of watching what I eat, I am tired of going to Curves. I am tired of hiking in the evening.......and listen to me now just pouting!!! I am persevering will be my 3rd Curves visit for the week... I hiked 7 miles Sunday, did a couple miles tracking box turtles on Weds. Hiked 2 miles with Gina Yesterday, planning on hiking 4 miles with Gina and Bill this evening. Planning on doing a 2 mile hike in honor of Melody at Clarksburg days, and 5 more miles with Bill in the evening. So yeah i may feel like stopping the train, but i am NOT getting off. My biggest problem with my eating is that i am not eating!!! I have no appetite. this is not good...... as i heal my sluggish metabolism, i gotta program my body so that it knows that i am eating.....and it doesn't need to hold on to every calorie i take in.

I honestly think that doing the Curves 6 weeks solution......has it's pros and cons. It is a great program that forces me to focus on my eating and forces me to eliminate the simple carbohydrates in my diet. It teaches me to eat to fuel my body and repair my stalled metabolism. However. because during the meetings we get weighed weekly....... it tends to cause me to lose focus of the big picture as to why I am getting healthy........but to focus on my weekly weight loss. So my mood is determined by the number on the scale, and not how i feel, and how my clothes are fitting , and how people are noticing finally that wow, Sandi is losing weight. I am on the final weeks of this program. And i plan on sticking to eating this way.......... 75% of the time ( just being honest, don't think i can do this 100% of the time) Curves offers this program every 3-4 months. and I will do it again.......but on my terms......... I will weigh and take my measurements at the beginning........ but will wait until the final program is over to weigh and measure again........ No more weekly weights for me yet . I AM DOING GREAT though.........and my body is finally giving me results, my fatigue has decreased dramatically, my PMS symptoms have decreased. it takes a lot more exercise to get my heart pumping, my blood pressure is decreasing. I am dropping clothing size, my clothes that i have are looser. So I must stay focused.

I appreciate all who keep me in line.... Christina, get tough on me...... don't let me whine. Gina keep checking with me about walking in the evenings, that sure helps me. Kim, keep coming here to hike, ( hey next week whats up ?? ) i thought it would be nice if you are around, to meet Gina and hopefully Christina
Maybe we could do a nice hike........(6 miles) then do a movie and stuff!!!

And God, I can't do this without you........... And Melody, I owe you this.... I may get to meet your parents this weekend. they just have to be awesome...... hey someone had to raise you right. it's time i read your journal again........ to remember, and keep fresh in my mind how you dealt with what God gave you with such grace and beauty.

Please have a great weekend

I love you all


Unknown said...

Aw, Sandi, we love you too! I'll call when I'm done with work today.

Patti Rambles On said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Patti Rambles On said...

If weigh-in is required for their program, you can stand on the scale backwards and tell them not to tell you what the scale said. Some people used to do that at WW. There are many ways to measure success and the scale is not the best one.

I get sick of watching everything too. I think we all do. But my future health depends on it so I put on my big girl panties and deal with it.

Love you G/F.

ps: the deleted comment was me. I didn't want Katie to spank me for a typo!

Anonymous said...

"We fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen in temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:18

When life gets tough, when you're overwhelmed with doubt, when you see evil and weakness prospering, when defeat starts to feel like an option for the day or when you wonder if it is all worth the effort, remember that you are not home yet. Life is only a temporary assignment and a brief one at that. One day it will be time to return the temple, Sandi, return your temple just as you found it, in good health, and in His image. All that you do is in remembrance of Him.