I love dreary rainy days, and that's what it looks like right now. it has cooled off, so i have all the windows open..... Kids left for school, I have Josh Groban playing in the background. can't get much better than this!!!
Not only did i do one heck of a Curves Workout (Christina will verify that) You see, she just started back, so yesterday was more of a stretching workout for her, and i think she was sorta making fun of me. My husband and I took the dogs for an approx 4 mile hike in the evening. I am so excited that my foot really isn't painful anymore..... I guess it really was bad, and needed the surgery. I am feeling really well, BUT i must say this is the first time that "allergy season" hit me. the itchy watery eyes, runny nose, sinus pressure.... and then i am getting exercise/allergy induced asthma..... but still, I am happy with how i am tolerating it. It's not pulling me down like a simple cold used to even last year at this time. oh I am also making sure i get plenty of rest too.. we as busy adults sometimes forget how important it is to rest and get the proper amount of sleep each day.
Eating wise, i am doing okay, and actually i am having the reverse problem. I am just not hungry........ I had too force myself to eat, but regardless didn't even hit the amount of calories i needed. I am heading to week 4 tomorrow, So i will have to work on that.
Oh Patti, Bill wanted me to tell you........he started his "healthy" eating yet again this Monday.........HOWEVER he actually stuck with it and made it a day :0)
Well i am going to do some laundry and housework......and sit down and enjoy my beautiful morning
this is the day that the Lord hath made
I will rejoice and be glad in it.
Sandi, you're more than welcome to bring your puppy dogs on our hike tomorrow...I love dogs!!
okay, i'll bring Juneau, my malamute......she's huge...... and so dang cute......
do you want me to pick you up?
Nah, I'll change here at the office and meet you...where? Or you can pick me up. Whichever's easier. Speaking of dogs, have you met Michael and Megan's Dixie? Cutest. Puppy. Ever.
This is fun. I feel like I'm eavesdropping!
By the way, Sandi, I have posted since the "aching back post". I didn't post yesterday but I did post on Sunday. So do I at least get points for that???
Eavesdropping, how rude ;-)
(I'm kidding, Kim!)
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