......without such a wonderful friend and neighbor like Christina in my life ?? Things have been a little sad lately, an in the scheme of things not devastating but sad. Sadie our 13 year old dog is not doing well, and she has spent the last few days just lying around, not eating, not drinking...... i know she is 13 BUT before the holidays although a little stiff, she was still eating and playing..... and moving. Katie has spent days just crying....and it was getting too hard just to watch her and wait for her appt. (she sees the vet on Friday) So today i thought.......this is enough, so i called the local vet to see if we could get her in today....... to one, evaluated to see if she may have an infection .or two, decide to humanly let her go. Bill and I talked if she has diabetes or cancer or anything like that........we will do nothing more, but if it is a matter of an infection that she has a tough time shaking....... we will give her 24 hours on IVs and antibiotics and pain medicine see if she perks up. ... this morning she was better than yesterday and way better than the day before. she started drinking again this am..........and she IS peeing that is for sure. so anyhow back to my bestest friend!!! .......lets be honest, Katie and I don't work well together, we both blubber way too much......so Christina came to be our stability. (yeah i know it is scary when Chris is the stable one). She took Us over to the vets and we met Bill there so we could help move her . Oh Bill is such a softy......he couldn't even stick around. Oh and Christina's sweet sweet 6'4"feet tall son came to the house to help put Sadie in the car.
So i do know no matter what Sadie is a Dog. and has had a good life. but i figure she deserves to be comfortable. this Dog grow up with the kids.. no matter what child if they were sick....Sadie spent the night in that bedroom.......... she played baseball with the boys for years..... yes i mean Played baseball....... she'd be in the outfield and just wait for the ball to be hit....then she'd fetch the ball.......and try to touch the person before they made it back to home plate. she loved to sled ride with the kids, and sneak up on the couch to cuddle with them when i wasn't looking. She almost knew when Albert left me...... she'd spend the evenings going from bedroom to bedroom checking on the kids and me...... yeah she at least deserves this one shot to see if it is an infection that can be easily treated with antibiotics....... we will wait and see!!!! Christina you were so good with Katie, thank you.
okay not to change the subject, but let me tell you....... and Chris i am sure, will secon

d this. Johnny was absolutely NO fun yesterday. He said he is done "babying" us, and is upping our workout to a whole new level. he threw in a lot of Cardio Burst yesterday..... i was dripping with sweat..... and Christina was giving him the "evil eye" he told us that a work out like we had will continue to burn fat even the next day......... woo hoo!!!!
I am at work today, and i am tired with a headache........ but i think it is from the drama with Sadie....... hopefully it will be quiet here.
well boys in the waiting room gotta go for now
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