and i am not sure why.... i never did get a full blown migraine thank goodness. after working 10 hours i was very tired, and i think from trying to function with the "light show"part of the migraine i seemed to be extra tired..........this evening when i got home i kept busy with Andrew, he was a pretty sick boy tonight high high fever 103 + If not hotter, his dad said his fever was so high he was hallucinating. he called me at work crying cause his body wouldn't Bill had given him 800 mg of Ibuprofen an hour before i even got home. a couple ice pads under his pits, blankets off, fan on and a nice clean white sheet in place........... by 930 pm fever broke... and he was as hungry as a horse........ so Popsicles, sherbet, chicken soap and lots and lots of Gatorade..... I keep checking on him, at 1130 he was in a cold sweat........ at 130 he seems to be sleeping comfortably..... I don't usually jump on antibiotics, but with such a fever and immediate sore throat it sounds like possible strep ( going around in school big time). ....... I think he'll be fine. so maybe that is why i can't sleep, yeah he's 17, but still counts on mom to make sure he's okay. or maybe it's because Sadie is getting old.....and it hit so suddenly...... she was running, jumping , fetching, hiking in september and beginning of October...... and now she has gotten stiff, and has difficulty controlling her bladder.... yeah i know she turned 13 on Dec 22, but still..... and i really think that i am just emotional cause this is the time that I am emotional....... oh yoi,
so i go to bed at 1030 tonight exhausted........sleep for 20 minutes and am now W I D E awake, maybe i'll go put on some Rosanne to cheer me up,..... oh back to the Migraine thing....... so luckily i haven't experienced the migraine headache other than the light show since i got the Demerol shot, oh so long ago........ so that is a good thing.
well to bed i go again........cause right now i am just rambling........ranmbling.....rambling.........
I don't believe I've ever seen Chicken Soap in the soap aisle. Is it homemade soap? Do you just use it on your face and chest or is it good for your whole body too?
Love ya g/f. Hope he's better today.
Oh, I'm so mad at myself. I didn't even catch the soap thing until I read your comment Patti! Man I'm slippin'.
And Sandi, I just don't know what you see in Rosanne that cheers you up so much.........You're as bad as Larry and his Seinfeld reruns. Yoi!! :0)
Dam it Patti, you beat me. I had a reely good one, two.
Glad your kid is better, Sandi.
Funny Funny Funny you guys :O)
Chicken lard is just the greatest mixed with Vick vapor rub..... its a western pa thing..... didn't ya know
Aw, come on Cliff. Share it with us anyway!
Too late, Chris. Patti stole my thunder. Feeling bad, Patti?
Actually, I forgot. Had something to do with chicken soap and child abuse.
It's a shame. It was good...reely good.
Awww Cliff you're such a tease!!!!
Nope, I don't feel bad at all Cliff. The early worm catches the soap!
You guys are killin' me!!
Hey Sandi, are you still awake???
Hey Patti...Am I the internet stalker?
I wish. She's on FB and sends me 15 goodies per day. Oy!
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