I am not going to sit here and say...whoa is me, because there is nothing whoa about me..... Nothing but Grace has occurred since this all began. I found out this morning that they DID remove some bone. Bill was overwhelmed with the knowledge that he has this massive hole in his face, he was overwhelmed that it is going to be such a long journey before healing takes place. okay, so i let him have his moment, and i gave him time to mourn and deal. he was so grumpy, and whinny..... deservedly so, he's like a little boy, ......I don't want this packed, can't they stitch this? I know that it is going to hurt to repack it........ i don't want this packed, I am going to be bored........why do i need to go home with this IV, where did I get this? how did i get this? I don't want this packed, can't they stitch this......... um, you get the picture!!! i was oh so sweet and kind........ and then i let out my frustrations for Christina to hear, oh ,she laughed the whole time. i will baby and love every waking minute, i spent every moment with Bill during the rough time, i fed him, hugged him, cried for and with him....... But enough of that.......... it is time to DEAL with it. it is time to realize how freaken blessed you are (freaken and blessed prob shouldn't go in the same sentence huh?) He was in all likely less than 24 hours from losing his entire lower right jaw, he could have / would have died, IT'S GOING TO GET PACKED, IT IS NOT GOING TO BE SUTURED SHUT. YOU WILL BE ON ANTIBIOTICS, now stop whining. and thank our Awesome God that you are breathing, thank our Awesome God that when healed the scar will be minimal and on the chin, Thank our awesome God that you have enough sick time for a few months, Thank our awesome God that we live in a Country that has Vancomycin to give/get at a snap of the physicians fingers, Thanks our Awesome God that we have Insurance that will pay 100%........ So STOP WHINING. .................. He is much better this evening, he is a little grumpy, and I will sympathize with his pain, and his fear, but i am going to kick his butt all the away from feeling sorry for himself, and getting depressed!!! I love this guy, and he knows it and we can even joke about this., so please don't send me any shame on you mail...... it's just, and it always has been....... Bill and I have the same glass, but his is usually half empty, and mine is usually half full ;0) So God must have put us together to sorta help each other out...... he is getting better, and this man is the best husband and step father in the world........ it is so good to have him home...... now to keep the germs away.......gee he isn't even allowed to have visitors until his next doctor visit. it isn't because he is dangerous to You, it is that You are dangerous to him. He absolutely can't get a secondary infection in that wound.......because he could lose his face!!! This house is filled with kids, but i guess for the next couple of weeks, my kids can go to their friends homes, cause i ain't taking chances
^Look how great it's looking with 48 hours of Vancomycin!!!
^look at the redness how it is gone,
^the wound has almost 4 feet of packing in it.
^ Thank You God,

Ah, isn't he cute?
Seriously, I'm glad your home and he's well enough to be complaining! Lock your doors and don't let anyone in without strip searching them for germs.
Sandi,wow what a big difference!
So glad to read Bill is home. I'm sure your home is far more germ free than any hospital.
Bill whine away! :o)
Oops that was me ^^^^^
Sandi, I'm glad that Bill is home! I can't believe how much better it looks already! Thank the Good Lord for antibiotics! Love ya!
Wow, that IS a sea change. And yeah, youse guys/youins make a full glass. The whiny whoa is me phase, I think, means he's very much on the mend. He'll settle down and will certainly feel better when he loses the I.V., can have visitors and can do something more with his time.
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