I want to scream........ this system is an absolute mess....... and I don't even know if I can explain it . First off Bill's wound looks really good.... what is causing such complications is getting the "gold" infused in his veins. We are getting so much run around and pass the buck..... that i want to pull someones lips up and over their heads until they suffocate. We have 3 doctors giving 3 orders to 2 different companies... , it's all because "someone" doesn't want to put a pic line (long term IV in) okay so lets just NOT give the Vanco anymore..... oh wait okay, lets give 7 days more, no lets give 3 days........ oh heck don't put the pik line in......... put a local IV in.......... You can give the same medicine through this line.... call the Pharmacy.......WAIT you can NOT put the Infusion we sent you into his new IV site...... We are 1 hour shipping to your house right now with the New Vancomycin infusion ability......... Visiting Nurses............. wait we CAN'T infuse this medicine in any short term site.......... so YES YOU REALLY NEEDED THE VANCO TO SAVE YOUR FACE.......BUT SINCE THIS IV THINGS IS SUCH A HASSLE, ........WELL MAYBE YOU DON'T NEED IT........ People, you even attempt to not do the right thing for someone I love, and you'd wish you were placed in a den with Hungry lions, because gentle easy going Me will be far more difficult to deal with!!! Sadly if they would have JUST put the pik line in last night like the ER doctor wanted them to do........ then NONE of this would have happened, there is so much more to this story........ But long story short, I cannot have 3 doctors working on this case, when none know what the other is doing, and one of the Docs didn't even see Bill . So The Good Lord lead me back to the surgeon, i just called to beg him to help send me in the right direction, he is off today so i left this message with his receptionist, well she felt that things were really messed up so she just checked his chart to see what was going on........ and in the Chart the Surgeon had written that if MRSA was positive, that he wanted to take over the case and see Bill long term........she called me back, and scheduled Bill to see the Doctor at 1:30 tomorrow. I will have this Surgeon call the shots from now on.
I am here at Kiski waiting for phone calls back......... Bill can't miss a dose of Vanco.. so in all reality we will be going back up to the ER for a few hours.........so he can get the medicine that he needs........ You know there are things here that could have disastrous complications (some that i didn't even write about) that could have killed or caused severe damage to my husband had i not been in the medical field. ......it is scary to think about it.
I am so tired, so tired..............
Give 'em hell Sandi. I swear if we didn't manange our own medical care who knows where we would be.
Sandy, sadly I know what you are going through! Patti is right that you have to manage your own medical care yourself and go with your instinct! Hang in there YOU ARE doing the right things! Breath deeply before you tear some ones head off! YOU never want to run out of steam!
Love ya all!
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