Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The "Weapon of Choice"

Wow, haven't blogged in a few days. and much info to give. First off let me say that Andrew is really doing well, my son is back. he rarely has headaches anymore, he's got so much energy. and he's picking up on his school assignments rather quickly. Now, Friday's therapy left him very "sick" but that was expected. there is more overwhelming proof that we are working with problems associated strictly from having the concussion and not an inner ear problem. So i gave him a "Dramamine" for the motion sickness and nausea..... he slept all afternoon and all evening and woke up feeling great!!!

Christina went with me, and that was a trip in and of itself..... we had so much fun. Andrew loves his "Aunt Christina" Kim and Chris finally got to meet (after Drew's appointment we picked her up) And i must say they both hit it off right away. as they both told me they immediately felt comfortable with each other. Now i must say, they tended to pick on me a little bit, and i did feel out numbered at times, but i managed to survive!

Kim and I are definitely good traveling buddies. It was a very relaxing road trip. The trip going out east was rainy, and terribly foggy... there were times that I couldn't see anything in front of me. I drove slow and steady, I was in no hurry. And I just had "faith" that all would be fine. We ended up staying with one of my friends out near Hershey. Both Kim and I felt at home there too. I wanted to see Joyce Meyer in person for so long, and it seemed to work out that we were able to go. oh Satan tried to screw up the plans in about 10 different ways, but I let God take care of him, and I didn't worry about it. We managed to get with in 12 rows of center stage. . . . . For those who don't know Joyce Meyer, let me tell you.... she has a way of speaking to you.......she speaks about dealing with everyday life. She is real and she relates!!

Our lesson on Saturday was how to put the "armor of protection" on. How to survive in today's world. You know if you think about it too much, this world is very scary. and sometimes just overwhelming because we don't seem to have control. God doesn't want us to live in fear. And although many things in life are beyond our control.......... NOTHING is beyond God's control.

Well, do you know what the "weapon of choice" is to fight Satan and his demons??? It is Love and Forgiveness. If you think about it, it makes sense. The one thing that Satan hates is Peace in Our lives. and the one thing that prevents us from having peace is letting hatred, jealousy, anger, revenge, consume our thoughts and our lives. My friend from out east, is having such a problem in her life right now. She HATES her mother, she hates her childhood, yeah there were degrees of abuse there as well as abandonment. There is so much garbage in her past that she has held on too. . . . . . . . she can't shake it, She takes pills to sleep or she can't sleep, she needs stimulants to wake up, or she can't wake up. She has "headaches ALL the time" She hates her marriage, she hates her life........ she hates her mother, most of all she Hates herself ......... it is a vicious circle. She went with us to see Joyce on Saturday, and I just pray that the seed was planted, that is all. I love her dearly, and I want her to be happy, but again I am reminded that I cannot control any ones happiness but my own!!

to this day, I have some people say to me that they think it is just so "weird" how me and my x husbands relationship is, they say it isn't normal!!!! . I could have become bitter, held on to my anger. make my x husband pay for what he did to me. get even with him, settle the score....... all in the name of what??? How would this have helped me? How would our children have benefited from so much hate? Oh yeah Satan would have loved it, because with this hate, Satan has power, he has power to manipulate our lives so that we can't ever find peace. When i consciously made an effort to forgive Albert (x husband) and ask his forgiveness for my downfall in the marriage. When I gave my entire situation to God. Satan lost his grip on my life, and there was nothing he could do. Everyone that comes to my house, say there is a feeling of "comfort and peace" in my home, that they can't put a finger on it Well I can. Although i fail frequently, I truly try to let God take over.... and I do my best to let love shine through... God does the rest.

I needed a reminder this weekend, i needed rejuvenated. There are so many areas which I fail, and I am reminded to keep trying........ keep loving,.......... keep forgiving!!!

As much as it feels good to get away.......... there is No place like Home, and come Sunday Kim and I were both ready to be Home....... we had a beautiful morning to travel...... we'll have to do it again.....

So if I learned anything this weekend....... Love is the ultimate weapon in fighting Satan....
did you put your "love" on today?


Kellie said...

I truly loved reading your blog today and every day that is. YOU are an amazing woman, mother, wife and friend. But most of all the faith you have and share is awesome.

So glad Andrew is doing better.

Anonymous said...

Your trip sounds so inspiring, your story makes me wanna go out in the world and hug everyone I meet and tell them God loves you and my brother or sister, so do I.

Certainly the second most important commandment, loving your neighbor.

Thank you for sharing your story. If this world could learn to forgive and love unconditionally, well, it brings me to tears of joy in just thinking about what this world would actually be like. PRAISE GOD, I'll never lose the faith. Let me hush because I feel the Holy Spirit getting ready to take over me. PRAISE GOD, THANK YOU LORD, MY PRAISE IS STILL HERE, HEAL US LORD, THE DEVIL IS A LIAR, EXCUSE ME A MINUTE WHILE I MAKE THE DEVIL MAD! HALLELUJAH TO FAITH, HOPE, JOY AND LOVE.....

Sandi said...

Kellie and Anonymous,
I just love you guys!!! Kellie one of these days i might just have to take a road trip out your way :0). I pray for you sooo much, and Nathan is always on my kids have now gotten used to saying when they come home from school, or see me on the computer... they ask " how's that Nathan boy?
Both you Kellie and anonymous are amazing people.....