Home Sweet Home. Made it home today! have all the clothes put away... car cleaned out. Kids things organized. and now vacation is over. this photo is a picture from my porch. I am blessed to wake up to this view every morning, ( this photo is taken in the direction of the East, so usually i see the sun rise when i am up early enough)
I must admit to gaining 5lbs, but i truly feel it is from lack of drinking the quantity of water i usually drink, and eating a few more carbs than i normally do. I refused to go to any all you can eat buffets, and i ate 1 serving with no second helpings for all my meals. So Curves tomorrow, and i bet after a few days I'll be back to where i started. I'll go back to the Curves first week dietary program...
Looking forward to hiking again soon too.
Welcome home g/f.
That hill looks different when it's not covered with snow ;-)
Enjoyed reading about your vacation, pleased to read you made it back home safe and sound, and really enjoyed the pic of the hillsides. You are very much correct, you are blessed.
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