Friday, July 27, 2007

A day in bed...........and i mean all day!!!!

I had some kind of illness yesterday. it started in the middle of the night, with stomach pain, loose stools, extreme fatigue, muscle aches and weakness. I spent most of my day in bed. just couldn't function. My kids were awesome.... cleaned the house, cooked dinner, did the dishes. Katie and her boyfriend went and did the weekly grocery shopping... I love my kids....... and its days like yesterday, that i remember why i love them.........even my almost 16 year olds too.

My stomach still has some minor pain/cramping but i must say that i feel better.

I started back to the first week Curves eating plan .. i am happy for that. Tuesday is my doctor appointment for my foot... and then Weds back to Curves. I've noticed that my foot isn't throbbing like it was, i just have to remember to wear my hiking boots or my Asics with my orthopedic inserts. even when i am doing house work.

it looks like a rainy day on and off!!! So i am assuming the golf course isn't going to be that busy. wow. i can't believe that July is almost over. time does seem to travel faster the older we get........... why is that???

Kim you are heading home this weekend correct??? cause we got to get together. my friend Christina just knows that she'd get along with you...she likes your direct, tell it like it is attitude.

Anonymous, thanks for the comments and the prayers. The young man that i was talking about is going in for surgery again on Aug 1st. he's pretty miserable right now. he and his family are staying at a Ronald McDonald house. in Baltimore waiting for surgery. These houses are godsends for families in limbo.

I am assuming that i will be starting back to Kiski pretty soon..... looking forward to it. Well i think I'll go and enjoy my morning....


Anonymous said...

Praying for myself and people is really my only true purpose on this earth outside of witnessing for Christ, so you can bet I will continue to pray for this young man and his family.

I hope you start to feel a little bit better really soon but in the meantime just grab your bible while in bed and consider this a little extra quality time with your Father. Bet you are starting to feel better already.

Anonymous said...

anonymous.. i meant people that we know who they are never leave her comments anymore.. such as christina, gina... ect

sorry. :-)

Anonymous said...

Miss K, you have nothing to be sorry about, I knew what you were talking about, I just wanted to razzzz ya is all. Your mother has had nothing to say about her dear sweet children but good things, so not for one moment did I think you meant any harm. Enjoy your evening and your enchanting, youthful life.