Wednesday, July 25, 2007

beautiful morning!!!!

I love mornings like this, cool and crisp. up early enough to watch the sun rise up over the country side. I have so much to be thankful for. Early this morning as i was watching Joyce Meyers, her message hit home. and we ALL for get it. Do any of us really have cause to whine and complain??? There are human beings in third world countries that can't even get a safe/clean/ drink of water. who can't just jump into a warm shower. or open a cabinet and get food. yeah i know our country is really screwed up, and I know that politicians have become so corrupt, and with the war and all.... it sure looks dismal. But if i have a crisis, or no food,or money or such i can still walk into the welfare department and ask for help. I don't think those villages over seas, have welfare departments. I think Americans complain about too many frivolous things. Who in the heck cares that my cable went out for the third time this month? Does it really matter that i sat in traffic for 30 extra minutes coming home from work. or that the grocer forgot to put my fabric softener in the bag? who cares that i can't hike 5 miles, i mean i can "walk". .... I think you get the picture. I am going to make a conscious effort to "not complain" today Why don't you give it a try???

I have a friend, who's young son is going through some really rough stuff. He had brain surgery several weeks ago. and now he ended up getting complications, and had meningitis. He is now on his way for more surgery. this young man is in so much excruciating pain. .. and his mother has to sit there and watch this. not knowing what the outcome is going to be. lets put all of our problems into a bag........ now think about? would you want to switch bags with your neighbor??? I think i will keep my bag...........and Give thanks to God, that my "bag" really isn't that bad.

keep it real


Anonymous said...

Some very good points Sandi. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and I will say a prayer for that young man in need.

Anonymous said...

nobody leaves you comments. sorry that your uncool now.

love you butches mom.

Anonymous said...

Oh Katie,
The nut doesn't fall far from the tree does it?.......I love you and your mom "butches" too....almost as much as my "lungage"!!!

p.s. Your mom's still cool in my book.

Kim said...

I love ya butches, too, Sandi!! I MISS you!!!! Even if you are uncool!

Katie....I miss you too!! I need to come out really soon because I miss you guys!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, "I'm a nobody" hahaha

Sandi said...

no anonymous, you are definately somebody..... i'm just not sure who you are........but you are somebody :0)

Anonymous said...

it worked, mom i think you owe me a thanks, for people leaving you comments again.

anonymous, you are someone, i just don't know who..

butches :-)

Anonymous said...

ohh yeah,your COOL again. good job.