lately I've been saying...... i just want peace, and then I'll say......... I'll get it when my brother finds a home, or I'll get it when the kids get back to school. Or when the neighbor guy stops picking and causing trouble. Or when the older "neighbor" gets used to her medications. My brother is not preventing me from experiencing peace, Nor my children, Nor my neighbor. How terrible it would be if it was those around us that had control of our peace and happiness. yeah I've said it before, WE, are ultimately in control of our own peace and happiness. And the only way i need to "find" peace, would be if it were lost!!! And if it comes from within each of us, how can it be lost??
Yesterday i felt guilty for having a very quiet day. didn't go anywhere, didn't really do much. watched some movies, and shows my husband enjoyed. Did some reading, and spent the later part of the evening watching lightning, and listening to the Thunder. I usually have some where to go 7 days a week. carpooling the kids, going to work, running errands and shopping with the hubby on weekends, just going in every direction. So why is it i feel guilty for having a quiet day........ where i go no where, and don't do a major house cleaning project?? I think we go too much.... and day's like yesterday are a "good" thing, and we need to learn to relax and enjoy.......and not feel guilty about "wasting" time.
my foot is doing really good again. not aching much at all. So i am looking forward to going to Curves this week. and maybe a couple walks no more than a mile or two. have lots scheduled this week.......... we all have dental appointments this week, i have a foot appointment. Andrew has a scheduled physical for football, oh yeah so does Sam........ different days, different times, different places......... Hopefully Christina will be able to start up at Curves again soon..... it's not the same without her.
Well it's a little after 7am, and it's almost time for me to run the boys into football practice. .
Make it a good one, and remember if you are looking for peace.... it's right there with you..... you just have to make "peace" happen.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
A day in bed...........and i mean all day!!!!
I had some kind of illness yesterday. it started in the middle of the night, with stomach pain, loose stools, extreme fatigue, muscle aches and weakness. I spent most of my day in bed. just couldn't function. My kids were awesome.... cleaned the house, cooked dinner, did the dishes. Katie and her boyfriend went and did the weekly grocery shopping... I love my kids....... and its days like yesterday, that i remember why i love them.........even my almost 16 year olds too.
My stomach still has some minor pain/cramping but i must say that i feel better.
I started back to the first week Curves eating plan .. i am happy for that. Tuesday is my doctor appointment for my foot... and then Weds back to Curves. I've noticed that my foot isn't throbbing like it was, i just have to remember to wear my hiking boots or my Asics with my orthopedic inserts. even when i am doing house work.
it looks like a rainy day on and off!!! So i am assuming the golf course isn't going to be that busy. wow. i can't believe that July is almost over. time does seem to travel faster the older we get........... why is that???
Kim you are heading home this weekend correct??? cause we got to get together. my friend Christina just knows that she'd get along with you...she likes your direct, tell it like it is attitude.
Anonymous, thanks for the comments and the prayers. The young man that i was talking about is going in for surgery again on Aug 1st. he's pretty miserable right now. he and his family are staying at a Ronald McDonald house. in Baltimore waiting for surgery. These houses are godsends for families in limbo.
I am assuming that i will be starting back to Kiski pretty soon..... looking forward to it. Well i think I'll go and enjoy my morning....
My stomach still has some minor pain/cramping but i must say that i feel better.
I started back to the first week Curves eating plan .. i am happy for that. Tuesday is my doctor appointment for my foot... and then Weds back to Curves. I've noticed that my foot isn't throbbing like it was, i just have to remember to wear my hiking boots or my Asics with my orthopedic inserts. even when i am doing house work.
it looks like a rainy day on and off!!! So i am assuming the golf course isn't going to be that busy. wow. i can't believe that July is almost over. time does seem to travel faster the older we get........... why is that???
Kim you are heading home this weekend correct??? cause we got to get together. my friend Christina just knows that she'd get along with you...she likes your direct, tell it like it is attitude.
Anonymous, thanks for the comments and the prayers. The young man that i was talking about is going in for surgery again on Aug 1st. he's pretty miserable right now. he and his family are staying at a Ronald McDonald house. in Baltimore waiting for surgery. These houses are godsends for families in limbo.
I am assuming that i will be starting back to Kiski pretty soon..... looking forward to it. Well i think I'll go and enjoy my morning....
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
beautiful morning!!!!
I love mornings like this, cool and crisp. up early enough to watch the sun rise up over the country side. I have so much to be thankful for. Early this morning as i was watching Joyce Meyers, her message hit home. and we ALL for get it. Do any of us really have cause to whine and complain??? There are human beings in third world countries that can't even get a safe/clean/ drink of water. who can't just jump into a warm shower. or open a cabinet and get food. yeah i know our country is really screwed up, and I know that politicians have become so corrupt, and with the war and all.... it sure looks dismal. But if i have a crisis, or no food,or money or such i can still walk into the welfare department and ask for help. I don't think those villages over seas, have welfare departments. I think Americans complain about too many frivolous things. Who in the heck cares that my cable went out for the third time this month? Does it really matter that i sat in traffic for 30 extra minutes coming home from work. or that the grocer forgot to put my fabric softener in the bag? who cares that i can't hike 5 miles, i mean i can "walk". .... I think you get the picture. I am going to make a conscious effort to "not complain" today Why don't you give it a try???
I have a friend, who's young son is going through some really rough stuff. He had brain surgery several weeks ago. and now he ended up getting complications, and had meningitis. He is now on his way for more surgery. this young man is in so much excruciating pain. .. and his mother has to sit there and watch this. not knowing what the outcome is going to be. lets put all of our problems into a bag........ now think about? would you want to switch bags with your neighbor??? I think i will keep my bag...........and Give thanks to God, that my "bag" really isn't that bad.
keep it real
I have a friend, who's young son is going through some really rough stuff. He had brain surgery several weeks ago. and now he ended up getting complications, and had meningitis. He is now on his way for more surgery. this young man is in so much excruciating pain. .. and his mother has to sit there and watch this. not knowing what the outcome is going to be. lets put all of our problems into a bag........ now think about? would you want to switch bags with your neighbor??? I think i will keep my bag...........and Give thanks to God, that my "bag" really isn't that bad.
keep it real
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
..... Jump like a "freaken Orka"
yes, that is my title, "jump like a freaken Orka" That is what my bestest friend said about me. She was talking about my "vertical jump" years ago when we went to water aerobics, I guess you had to be there, I mean she could have said something nicer don't you think. yeah, my younger years i was extremely athletic, at 5'7 i could easily keep up with my 6'1 friend in volleyball and basketball because of my "jumping ability" But i mean really......... Christina could have said........... she jumped like a graceful blue dolphin, Or she jumped like Shamu even........... not "SHE JUMPED LIKE A FREAKEN ORKA"....
I'll get over it :0) Regardless, my days have been busy. my foot seems to be improving. my sister in law is having complications with a miscarriage. she had emergency surgery on Sunday evening. they can't seem to find where the baby was. ( 2 years ago she had a similar problem, and the baby was on her ovary. So I've had my little 5 year old nephew you for a few days, and just got my 9 year old niece yesterday. My elderly "neighbor", who i am trying to help get her medications organized ,can't seem to get to feeling better. there is so much more going on right now that i can't get into yet. but let me tell you with my brother and his son and the complications plate is full .
I am prob going to start Curves next week. after i see the Doctor about my foot. i can't let things keep me from getting healthy again. and hopefully after i see the doctor i can start with slow hikes. I was planning on going some where this weekend. but now with my sister in law up in the air, i doubt that i will plan anything. we will see.
well i am going to check on my "neighbor patient" and get my day started.
I'll get over it :0) Regardless, my days have been busy. my foot seems to be improving. my sister in law is having complications with a miscarriage. she had emergency surgery on Sunday evening. they can't seem to find where the baby was. ( 2 years ago she had a similar problem, and the baby was on her ovary. So I've had my little 5 year old nephew you for a few days, and just got my 9 year old niece yesterday. My elderly "neighbor", who i am trying to help get her medications organized ,can't seem to get to feeling better. there is so much more going on right now that i can't get into yet. but let me tell you with my brother and his son and the complications plate is full .
I am prob going to start Curves next week. after i see the Doctor about my foot. i can't let things keep me from getting healthy again. and hopefully after i see the doctor i can start with slow hikes. I was planning on going some where this weekend. but now with my sister in law up in the air, i doubt that i will plan anything. we will see.
well i am going to check on my "neighbor patient" and get my day started.
Friday, July 20, 2007
... Gee, another day that i was feeling slightly out of sorts :0( , guess a lot going on in my life. i have a very "active" house right now. and even know that it's in a good way..... i am still overwhelmed!!! I should be thrilled that all of my kids' friends want to hang out here, and usually I am. Gina, let's try and fit in a little walk. Kimmie, Sat i have a birthday party to go to, and I adore this kid, almost as much as my own, so this is one that i don't want to miss. But I'd like to try and catch ya..... cause i miss ya bunches. Cause if i didn't have the party.......I'd of come your way........ what does your next Friday/Saturday look like??? obviously i am going to have to schedule some me time in and "plan" for it right now.
my foot did not ache as much as it did the last couple of days.... i have been wearing my shoes more, even at home.
My husband is trying to get a job for my X-husband, so for those that believe in prayer....... say a prayer that if God's will, my X would get this job. it would be a break for him. He had the final interview this morning.
well I guess it's time for me to get my day started. wow can't believe that it is Friday already.
my foot did not ache as much as it did the last couple of days.... i have been wearing my shoes more, even at home.
My husband is trying to get a job for my X-husband, so for those that believe in prayer....... say a prayer that if God's will, my X would get this job. it would be a break for him. He had the final interview this morning.
well I guess it's time for me to get my day started. wow can't believe that it is Friday already.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Didn't want to tell anyone....
good morning.... haven't posted for a day or so! Didn't even want to let Christina know........but man is my foot screwed up again. Same as before surgery. it even throbs in the middle of the night waking me up. I must admit it is frustrating. I am really wondering what in the heck is going on. Maybe i am going to have to wear my "boots" even while i am doing housework. and doing simple errands.... I don't know!!!! Maybe i am going to have to just live with it. not sure what more can be done.
Curves is still doable and honestly, prob small hikes right now. (2) miles.
my home is very active to say the least, my sister in law had a miscarriage and needed minor surgery. so i had my nephew Caleb (5) yesterday. my boys had friends over, and then obviously my brother and his son still hanging here from Florida. But over all a really good day. I am not stressing as much by the "new" live in guest. What will be will be. and my attitude is 1/2 the battle. And a willing heart is the other 1/2.
Doug my brother is actively looking for a home.... however it may be 5 or 6 months before all is settled. I've decided to look at the positive. I get to enjoy my brother, who has lived for the past 25 years down south. and i am getting to know my nephew who i only knew from a visit for a week every couple of years his entire life. I have a large home. and a newly done basement area that added 1300 sq feet of living space... so we are not crowded. i have healthy happy children. i have a husband who adores me, and would do anything for me. Katie is starting to feel better finally. . . . and Friends, wonderful caring friends....... and i guess i could go on and on.... So at least for this day I am not whining!!!! yet!!!!
it's raining ....and the house is quiet, so i think I'll go take a moment to enjoy the peace and the rain.
Curves is still doable and honestly, prob small hikes right now. (2) miles.
my home is very active to say the least, my sister in law had a miscarriage and needed minor surgery. so i had my nephew Caleb (5) yesterday. my boys had friends over, and then obviously my brother and his son still hanging here from Florida. But over all a really good day. I am not stressing as much by the "new" live in guest. What will be will be. and my attitude is 1/2 the battle. And a willing heart is the other 1/2.
Doug my brother is actively looking for a home.... however it may be 5 or 6 months before all is settled. I've decided to look at the positive. I get to enjoy my brother, who has lived for the past 25 years down south. and i am getting to know my nephew who i only knew from a visit for a week every couple of years his entire life. I have a large home. and a newly done basement area that added 1300 sq feet of living space... so we are not crowded. i have healthy happy children. i have a husband who adores me, and would do anything for me. Katie is starting to feel better finally. . . . and Friends, wonderful caring friends....... and i guess i could go on and on.... So at least for this day I am not whining!!!! yet!!!!
it's raining ....and the house is quiet, so i think I'll go take a moment to enjoy the peace and the rain.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Summer, full speed ahead
wow i can't believe that we are over 1/2 through with July. Summer is flying by. It has truly been a busy summer. but over all I must say it has been a pretty good one. I'll be starting Kiski soon. All my children are now in the high school , my youngest is going into 7th grade. No wonder I try to enjoy every moment, every stage of my children's lives.... because they grow up too fast. NOW if I can just even tolerate my 15 year old boys "stage" right now. But let me tell you, it sure is difficult!!!
I spent two hours walking gas lines looking for the neighbors dog early yesterday morning... and i must say my new hiking boots felt great. so that is a good thing.
I've got some house work to catch up on this morning.... I may go work at the golf course for a while, if Maryanne doesn't feel well!!! not sure yet. will have to call Christina to check.
yesterday, i can't explain it. I felt out of sorts, not feeling very well, and I was a little melancholy, Today i am feeling a little better.
well i should go start my day... while it is early.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Running away today
I think Bill and I are going to go off by ourselves today. Not sure what we are doing, or where we are going. But, does it really matter. I am not feeling well this morning all "allergy" related. headache, earache, sinus pressure, stuffy nose, sore throat, coughing. Stress has away of knocking down your immune system too... and Heaven knows i am under stress at home right now. The golf course was a break, and I haven't been down there for 3 days now. I miss Christina when i don't see her for that many days, and i miss Megan too!!!!
I'd like to be back in time and check out Gina's uncles presentation. The main reason we are going is my foot doctor said if i am walking /hiking i NEED to wear high top hiking boots. the leg tendon connected to the foot tendon is weakening and causing some of the problem. So i should be ready to do some walking Next week. but just 2 or 3 miles at a time. And I can't forget the workout, but miss working out with my friend.
Kim, still may hang with you a day when you are available..... we will try and talk this week sometime.
I'd like to be back in time and check out Gina's uncles presentation. The main reason we are going is my foot doctor said if i am walking /hiking i NEED to wear high top hiking boots. the leg tendon connected to the foot tendon is weakening and causing some of the problem. So i should be ready to do some walking Next week. but just 2 or 3 miles at a time. And I can't forget the workout, but miss working out with my friend.
Kim, still may hang with you a day when you are available..... we will try and talk this week sometime.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Hang on....... The worlds going in Circles
It's been a busy couple of days. BUT i have managed to make it to Curves as planned. I have a totally "new" respect for my friend Christina's life during the summer!! Along with normal summer business......she's had other curves thrown at her. And i am trying to help out with what i can to make her life a little easier. I will say this, I swear i make better, rounder more even balls than her. ( we are baking cookies for a wedding). I am having fun though. and it's keeping me away from the Circus called Home right now. Bill is being wonderful with me gone so much, You gotta know Chris and her Husband.... they would do anything for Us anytime. and they have plenty of occasions, its sorta nice being able to pay them back some how.
Wow..... summer is flying by. soon I'll be at Kiski being a school nurse again. there i get some me time too.... This is the first summer that i do not have a child attached to me at the hip. Sammy who is 12, now seems to not "need ' mom around so much. and i am finding that difficult right now... but I am embracing the ability to be able to just go and not worry about a babysitter, or if Sam is bored tagging along with me.
Well tomorrow is Curves Early, and I am not sure if I am needed down at the Golf Course tomorrow yet ! I am so ready to start walking again...
Have a great day.
ps Gina i sure miss ya, did your mama tell you? maybe one of these days we will get together again
Wow..... summer is flying by. soon I'll be at Kiski being a school nurse again. there i get some me time too.... This is the first summer that i do not have a child attached to me at the hip. Sammy who is 12, now seems to not "need ' mom around so much. and i am finding that difficult right now... but I am embracing the ability to be able to just go and not worry about a babysitter, or if Sam is bored tagging along with me.
Well tomorrow is Curves Early, and I am not sure if I am needed down at the Golf Course tomorrow yet ! I am so ready to start walking again...
Have a great day.
ps Gina i sure miss ya, did your mama tell you? maybe one of these days we will get together again
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Curves again
yesterday i was back to Curves after over 2 weeks...and I must say it felt good. it's too hot and humid right now to even worry or want to hike. however i am planning on maybe a two mile hike at the end of this week (hi Gina) I think i will hike two and three miles only for a while... and let more weight come off , and take it easier on my foot. It's not bothering me too much right now.......aches when i am on it for a while, but is finally not hurting me when I am resting!!!
I got to get a grip and deal with my home right now. I love my brother and nephew very much.... but ground rules must be followed to survive this time we are living under the same roof. He's actively looking for a house right now. His wife will be coming up here in a few weeks to help pick a home. It is just we have different life style. My nephew will stay up all night and sleep all day. hasn't even begun to look for a job (he's 21) and has no direction for his life. He is such a sweet boy, and has so much potential, just don't think he has a good self esteem. For those who pray, I'd sure appreciate some prayers for this situation, and I need to pray for Patience. I got to do What God wants me to do......but i got to do it with a joyful heart, or I am not doing it for the right reason. I guess we have to look at the bigger picture....... and realize that God might have an ultimate plan. my nephew is definitely heading down the wrong path, that i can't even begin to explain. Maybe he's here for a reason, Maybe this move could be a life changing experience for him... Maybe he needs to see the Love of God , and not be "preached at "! So i best get my attitude right.......and seek the will of God! and stop b#tching and complaining whoa is me... I have it so difficult having these extra people live with me. blah blah blah.
I must greatly reduce my simple carb intake again.... and stop the sugar intake again. I got to keep "ME" on my priority list. and all though i have others to take care of, I can't forget my quest and my promise to Melody whom i think of and remember daily for the past 6 months.
It's going to be another hot one. I plan on spending the day helping my bestest friend! sneak back home for a foster agency meeting.......and maybe go back down to help Chris again :0)
Have a good day today folks, thanks for listening
I got to get a grip and deal with my home right now. I love my brother and nephew very much.... but ground rules must be followed to survive this time we are living under the same roof. He's actively looking for a house right now. His wife will be coming up here in a few weeks to help pick a home. It is just we have different life style. My nephew will stay up all night and sleep all day. hasn't even begun to look for a job (he's 21) and has no direction for his life. He is such a sweet boy, and has so much potential, just don't think he has a good self esteem. For those who pray, I'd sure appreciate some prayers for this situation, and I need to pray for Patience. I got to do What God wants me to do......but i got to do it with a joyful heart, or I am not doing it for the right reason. I guess we have to look at the bigger picture....... and realize that God might have an ultimate plan. my nephew is definitely heading down the wrong path, that i can't even begin to explain. Maybe he's here for a reason, Maybe this move could be a life changing experience for him... Maybe he needs to see the Love of God , and not be "preached at "! So i best get my attitude right.......and seek the will of God! and stop b#tching and complaining whoa is me... I have it so difficult having these extra people live with me. blah blah blah.
I must greatly reduce my simple carb intake again.... and stop the sugar intake again. I got to keep "ME" on my priority list. and all though i have others to take care of, I can't forget my quest and my promise to Melody whom i think of and remember daily for the past 6 months.
It's going to be another hot one. I plan on spending the day helping my bestest friend! sneak back home for a foster agency meeting.......and maybe go back down to help Chris again :0)
Have a good day today folks, thanks for listening
Monday, July 09, 2007
Monday, Monday.......
Good morning! time to get things back in order. oh yeah, this morning i checked my weight, and i did not gain 5 lbs, the scale indicated 2 lbs. and even that, with water fluctuation i am unsure. Regardless, nothing but water for me today in the "liquid" department. heading to Curves at 8 am. and then going to stop and see if i can make Christina's life any easier this morning. Gina, thanks for keeping an eye on the turtles. I sure appreciate it. they miss you.......... they told me so!!! Looking forward to start attempting short "walks" with you soon. And when i get my bike, maybe we can do that every now and then.
My brother is here from Florida, he's moving back to Pennsylvania. He lived in Florida for 25 years and wants to come home. He and his son are staying here while they are house hunting it could be a few months, so we are all going to have to adjust and find our space, and keep MY rules. I don't know, it seems that God has decided that this house is a Haven for those who need a place to stay... and I guess i can't question Him. I am tired this morning. I feel it's a let down from such a wonderful vacation. But it was expected. And I feel a need to have my own space. Maybe I'll sneak away to Kim's for a day in the next few weeks. As relaxing as my vacation was........i was still the Matriarch for a family of 9 at the beach house.... and i am in desperate need of me and only me time... maybe a road trip to no where.....
Well it is time for me to get my butt in gear........ it's going to be a hot humid day in Pennsylvania, and i hate that kind of weather. but what can i do?
"this is the day that the Lord hath made....I will rejoice and be glad in it"
My brother is here from Florida, he's moving back to Pennsylvania. He lived in Florida for 25 years and wants to come home. He and his son are staying here while they are house hunting it could be a few months, so we are all going to have to adjust and find our space, and keep MY rules. I don't know, it seems that God has decided that this house is a Haven for those who need a place to stay... and I guess i can't question Him. I am tired this morning. I feel it's a let down from such a wonderful vacation. But it was expected. And I feel a need to have my own space. Maybe I'll sneak away to Kim's for a day in the next few weeks. As relaxing as my vacation was........i was still the Matriarch for a family of 9 at the beach house.... and i am in desperate need of me and only me time... maybe a road trip to no where.....
Well it is time for me to get my butt in gear........ it's going to be a hot humid day in Pennsylvania, and i hate that kind of weather. but what can i do?
"this is the day that the Lord hath made....I will rejoice and be glad in it"
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Home at last

Home Sweet Home. Made it home today! have all the clothes put away... car cleaned out. Kids things organized. and now vacation is over. this photo is a picture from my porch. I am blessed to wake up to this view every morning, ( this photo is taken in the direction of the East, so usually i see the sun rise when i am up early enough)
I must admit to gaining 5lbs, but i truly feel it is from lack of drinking the quantity of water i usually drink, and eating a few more carbs than i normally do. I refused to go to any all you can eat buffets, and i ate 1 serving with no second helpings for all my meals. So Curves tomorrow, and i bet after a few days I'll be back to where i started. I'll go back to the Curves first week dietary program...
Looking forward to hiking again soon too.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
On Our way home.....there is no place like Home
No matter where I go.... or how much fun i have while I am there. there still isn't anything quite like going home. we stopped in Virginia for the evening.... once Bill gets some sleep, we will be heading home...... we will prob get home early in the morning. The kids are all home sick. The weather at the beach was almost picture perfect until the day before we were leaving, then it got so hot and humid!!!
It was the most relaxing vacation I've been on so far. I love the ocean, i love the sound of the ocean, and the movement of the ocean, and the smell of the salty air. But i love sitting on my porch at home and listen to the frogs and crickets at night, smell the fresh country air..... and look out onto the Pennsylvania country side. Sometimes we get so "wrapped up" in what's on the other side of the fence, we often forget about our own Pasture, and what we have right in front of Us. I am looking forward to getting back in the grove of things....... back to Curves 3 days a week, back to walking a couple times a week, and maybe biking once a week. I am tired of food............ nothing appeals to me right now........ and i am missing drinking all the water i usually drink.
well Melody vacation is over....its time i get back to work
It was the most relaxing vacation I've been on so far. I love the ocean, i love the sound of the ocean, and the movement of the ocean, and the smell of the salty air. But i love sitting on my porch at home and listen to the frogs and crickets at night, smell the fresh country air..... and look out onto the Pennsylvania country side. Sometimes we get so "wrapped up" in what's on the other side of the fence, we often forget about our own Pasture, and what we have right in front of Us. I am looking forward to getting back in the grove of things....... back to Curves 3 days a week, back to walking a couple times a week, and maybe biking once a week. I am tired of food............ nothing appeals to me right now........ and i am missing drinking all the water i usually drink.
well Melody vacation is over....its time i get back to work
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Happy Fourth of July
......... it's been a picture perfect day today. I am enjoying every moment of being with my family. Today we went and played in the ocean. I came back to the beach house relaxed and then we had a barbeque out by the swimming pool. spent 2 hours playing volleyball in the water. Showered and Sat on my porch watching fireworks .... I am tired and ready for bed. My brother and his wife have been on vacation with Us. and we are having so much fun with them!!! Tomorrow night is mine and Bill's night. Chris (my brother) is taking the boys to Hooters, and mini golfing. While Bill and I go to a really nice seafood restaurant. and enjoy one of the board walks a few miles away. I hope and pray that all the ones i love are safe and sound.
I'll try and catch up later.
I'll try and catch up later.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
"Amazing Grace"....

Weather has been great! yesterday it was pretty cloudy and the ocean was wild. which i love also, but i wouldn't let the kids get in it either! the day before though, i actually "boogie boarded" in the ocean Monday Bill and I walked another 3 miles in the early am. I did not walk this morning, My foot was bothering me from walking too much without my orthotics. So i spent this morning icing and elevating. Bill found and bought me this beautiful sculpture of an Eagle soaring. The name of the sculpture is "amazing grace" I love it!! Christina, it will look perfect next to my eagle picture you got me.
This truly is such a wonderful vacation. Kids are doing great...........lots of rest. But i am looking forward to getting back into the grove of Curves again! and the curves eating plan!!!
Well I should get going soon. I still have the ocean pictures to do download to show you
Gina thanks for taking care of the turtles, I sure appriciate it...
p.s. i held the eagle up to a lighthouse picture in the house
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Morning at the beach

Good Morning!!! First Morning at the beach, I just found out our house has wireless internet so i thought i'd pop in. it has been an easy and safe journey here. We have a beautiful house overlooking the ocean. Early this morning Bill and I got to the beach to do a 3 mile walk, and stopped a moment to take this picture (what a beautiful world we have) I plan on walking 3 more miles this evening. There were several dolphins close by, I kept missing the snap with the camara....maybe tomorrow!! Well everyone is waking up, and it's time to get moving.. talk to you all later. maybe i'll put up more picuters later
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