Well, I did put the Christmas tree up yesterday... guess who picked out the tree? 8 years ago when Albert left me, who would have ever thought he'd be picking out the Christmas tree years later? Not me! Yes Albert my X, and my youngest son Sammy went and got the tree this year. And it is one of the most beautiful trees we've had. It stands past 10 feet tall. i have it decorated with hundreds of colored lights....... and a history of ornaments. Ornaments that the kids made, ornaments that i made as a child. Some ornaments that my grandma had many many years ago. There are angels, and Santa, and snowmen, doves and bird nest, and just a plethora of objects in many colors. If you like "uniform" trees, or trees with a theme........well this isn't one of them.... but this tree is me, me and my family! it represents the mixture in my home....... me, a husband, an X husband , three kids that I gave birth too, the kid i got from the "foster system"....and who ever else that "stays" for a given reason.
Saturday Was Bill and My anniversary, we have been married 6 years. it doesn't seem that long already. It's a good thing that most of the time, i still enjoy being around him. And actually today he took off work, we are going to do some Christmas shopping, go out to eat, and just hang out!!! I was supposed to spend the day with Christina baking cookies, but i think Andrew is going down if he can ,to give her a hand. that boy loves loves loves her.........sometimes i think he loves "Christina" more than me..... but hey what can I say, he made a great choice.
My kids this year, are truly in the Christmas spirit.... and not concerned about "getting" things this year. We are working on a project for this season. and they are all into it.
well i better go and get ready to spend a wonderful day with Bill
Kim just 2 more days.......i am praying for ya. Kellie, I am praying that the MRI gives you the info you need, and i pray for Nathan all the time
I love all of you guys.
Beautiful tree. Nice setting for a family photo....
:hint: :hint:
That's a great idea!
Thanks Sandi....for the prayers and for being who you are.
Love ya!
Hey There Sandi
Please let us know how Kim is doing when you hear ok. Tell her that we are praying for a fast recovery.
i came across your blog today while i was reading somethings about Alex. I am also related to Alex. My name is Jessica Wylie and Gail is my Aunt. I just wanted to tell you that i loved reading what you wrote about alex. Over the years i have kept in touch with alex after he moved to oregon and His spirt lives forever through all of those who cared about him.
-jessica Wylie
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