Monday, December 24, 2007

For those who believe in prayer

I didn't feel like getting on the computer last night, But i need prayers for my 21 year old nephew Michael. He has been dealing with a cold/cough for several weeks. He was just trying to work through it, because he just started a job 3 months ago, and has to wait 3 more months before he has health insurance. Well yesterday he seemed to be getting worse.... I spoke with my brother, and it was decided he needed to go to the ER to be checked..... Michael insisted he was "okay". 10 minutes after our phone conversation, Mike asked his dad to call an Ambulance, a few minutes after my brother called 911, my nephew stopped breathing! just before he went unconscious, he used all of his strength to stand up, hug his dad, and say I love you!!!! My heart is just breaking, My brother is an absolute mess........ It was estimated that Mike went 3-5 minutes without air. He was stabilized at the hospital...... he is on a ventilator, and in Critical but stable condition..... We do not know if there is any brain damage ...... we are optimistic at this point, that he will be okay They never gave him a chance to "wake" up from his unconscious state, they immediately gave him drugs to keep him in a coma to give his body a chance to rest. They said they would keep him that way for 24 hours..... The body is an amazing thing, I don't believe his heart ever stopped...... therefore, what little oxygen that was left in him......went to his brain!!! So please pray pray pray...... that this boy is going to be okay!! Donna his mom was down in Florida when all this happened, she returned via air last night...... ICU was going to let her see him at midnight....

Mike has always had breathing/asthma problems since he was a baby... my brother, his wife, my niece, and my nephew all smoke....... this is the worse thing for acute Asthma, now my brother said, Mike had been so sick for the past few days that he didn't even smoke.... i am hoping that this is a wake up call for Mike, and maybe his family. Understand, i am not judging, because in reality, it is not much different than me overeating, knowing that it can /will hurt my heart. or a diabetic that eats sugars.

My brother was so upset during this, Christina and I were delivering cookies that we made, and my phone was left in the car. Doug was frantically trying to get a hold of me..... i had dozens of missed calls in a 15 minute period, he wanted me with him, i couldn't leave his side....... it's almost like he thought i could just "save" Mike. I stayed with Mike in the ER and when he got settled in ICU.... I stayed tough......didn't break down.... asked all the "right" questions. And then late last night, I finally cracked...... i just lost it!!! and then it dawned on me...... Since my mom died almost 8 years ago..... Early in life i became the Matriarch of the family, my brother was looking at me for comfort, and his mind, it was like he thought of me as a motherly figure......and that I would make it better....... and guess what, I can't make it better!!!! I can just pray, pray that God holds Michael tight........and that Mike will wake up Okay............ all i can do is Pray


Patti Rambles On said...

Even though you can't fix it, you are still the glue that holds your family together.
Love you g/f

Kim said...

I love you, Sandi! We'll be praying for Mike, and you, and the family. And you're right, you can't fix everything. But I'm sure that your Mom is proud of you and is thankful that you are there when she can't be.
Love ya

Kim said...

I love you, Sandi! We'll be praying for Mike, and you, and the family. And you're right, you can't fix everything. But I'm sure that your Mom is proud of you and is thankful that you are there when she can't be.
Love ya

Kellie said...

Prayers are going as I type this. You are strong and have been through a lot lately. Hang in there. This is Christmas the season of miracles. I believe it can happen.
Love ya
If it were not 11pm I would call ya.