Paige is such a joy to be around, there is something about this little girl. she dances, sings and talks all the time. she is so happy and so much fun, haven't seen her in a while so today knowing she was at grandma's ....... i had to go down and see her.... so when i get there, get her out of her high chair, she gives me this huge hug, says in her sweet baby voice..... " hi Sandi". and pats my back..... my heart just melts., she'll be playing and she'll just look at her mama, or her meme, and just again in her sweet voice say....... hi mama, hi meme. This baby is so much like her Mama.... if she loves you..........she loves with all that she has, and if she is pissed........ well you know that too ;0). Next to my three children, Christina's kids follow..... how could they not. Chris has been my dearest friend for two + decades...... And Chris will be the first to tell you, she lucked out with the son in law and daughter in law she has. Okay now back to my little "title" girl. If you tell Paige something one time.......... she remembers it even weeks later........ gee the girl will be 17 months in March, and sometimes she acts like she is 13. I wish i can explain how sweet this baby is, ...... but i just can't get the words out..... i just know, when you've been with her, you smile more, laugh more, and love more!!. Thank you Christina for sharing this baby with me, and i promise to share my grandchildren with you someday...... no hurry Katie, Drew or Sam...... i can wait and enjoy Christina's grandchildren as they come :0)
Sweet baby girl.
"share Christeinas grandchildren as they come????" Is there something you are trying to tell us????? Just kidding but then again ???? hu?
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