Sunday, August 30, 2009
Johnny Kicked my Butt
This message is short and sweet.......... so i think i'll close for now, got some things to do.
Blessings to you all.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Kick Off
I have done yoga using the TV fitness station, or a tape, but this week was the first time I was in a class. and let me tell you WOW!!! it is yoga, but it has a period of "cardio yoga" where you do several yoga poses, and go directly into another pose, and repeat....... warrior, dog, child, ..warrior, dog, child......... I felt every muscle in my body in a very good way. and when i was done, i was sweating so much, ........... I will be doing this every Tuesday at work........ yup i start work at 10:30 until 3:30, and after doing Yoga, and having Lunch (which doc likes us to eat together). it is almost 1:00 ..... I don't hear of any jobs that pays you to take Yoga during office hours.... I do give the instructor something, but i get paid more..... go figure :0).
So I do Yoga Tuesdays, Johnny Thursday mornings and Sunday mornings. so i have 3 days for a good hike or the elliptical, which i am loving right now. I always take a day off. I think during football i will take Fridays off.
Patti and i were talking this week, and it lead me to thinking. The one thing that the lap band stops me from doing is having a day of Eating as much as I want, or a binge meal. and you know what I don't mind......... oh i could start gorging myself, to the point that i can deem the LapBand useless. but why even start. I do take a day to eat what ever........ but i just can't eat a lot of it.
.......for instance, yesterday at work, we did a potluck, i took a small dessert plate out of the cupboard and used it as my meal plate... put what i wanted on, even able to eat a pizza roll , i just had to chew a lot, and my co worker made it with more filling than bread......yummy. and i was able to eat a very small piece of the best Apple pie, and 1 tablespoon taste of Chocolate cake. i didn't deny myself of anything. don't feel like i am missing anything. it just means i can no longer eat a whole pie!!! as soon as the weather cools, i can start "breaking" in my hiking boots. so they will be ready for my hike in October. so hopefully that is soon.
well i should get going, bill and I are going to clean the office, and i think it is messier than normal, so it will be a couple hours.
Have a great day, and Blessings to you all.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
New Warnings~!!! / everybody has an opinion!
this isn't being taken off the market, right now they are at the point to just warn people using it to keep an eye on Liver Function. they aren't even saying not to take it yet, but it seems to be causing more liver problems than average. I know people that take this, and use it as a tool for them, they are having great success too.
We aren't "cookie cutter" human beings, we are all unique, and our bodies all respond to different things, different eating plans, different forms of exercise. I metabolize a 'cookie different than my son Andrew, I have a friend that can eat white bread and pasta without an issue, I find even smelling this can cause me to gain weight. the notion for me, that a calorie is a calorie doesn't work 100 calories of Oreo cookies does NOT equal 100 calories of chicken breast in my metabolic make up. i am JUST talking about myself here folks.
I am here to say, and everyone that hangs with me will say too, I did NOT take the easy road when i decided to let the Lap band work with me, actually it is quite the opposite. I've worked very hard, and i started this work a whole year before i even went under the knife! I learned about emotional eating, mindless eating, i learned how to chew food (*remember how excited i was about the teeth thing, and how the first line of digestion was almost forgotten by me ) i remember that for 3 months i wasn't even on an eating plan, i was just learning, how i ate, what i ate and when i ate... i became aware of my food. it was only after that, when i began to choose healthier foods. I've been without carbonated drinks including diet soda's for a year now, I knew that it would be an issue with my lap band, so i started early. i am finally not craving it, and don't need. I spent many days in Pittsburgh, weekly visits, talking, doing special test, answering a million questions.. Now that i have a lap band, and now that it is officially working with me (dropped 5 lbs the past week) it is more work than ever, if i eat too fast, if i don't chew my food, if i eat the wrong foods....... i am reminded NOT TOO, by the pressure in my chest. I haven't thrown up like i thought i would, and with relaxation and deep breathing this usually last 10 minutes but never more than 40 minutes). i haven't stopped exercising, and have been doing a lot on my own ......... "starting back up with Johnny this week" . God willing, I will be accomplishing my first goal in October. (*Jeanine want to do it with me? ) finally giving my 10 mile hike to Melody, she's been waiting a while.
Well today is a yoga day at work. I've decided to take Mondays off, and go in on Tuesday so that i can participate in Yoga that is provided weekly so i do two days of weight training, one day of yoga, and 3 days for hiking or elliptical. i take one day off. now i wish i could have the one day to eat what you want. even my health freak personal trainer for 23 years brother, takes one day a week off to eat whatever. But for now i can't, the lapband will only let me taste foods like pie, cake, pizza,........ it, my lapband, seems to enjoy chicken fish, veggies, and fruit. chewed well!
Please have a wonderful day. i plan on it
Thursday, August 20, 2009

I am going to Hike ten miles of the Appalachian Trail, This will be more than likely this October. This is a Goal i set a couple years ago, when i promised that Dear Angel Melody. And i've always wanted to walk a piece of this trail, so why not combined two goals together???
Goal Two
I plan on getting a Cannondale for next spring so that i can ride my bike to work a couple times a week. it is about 30 miles round trip from my home to work and back to home. how blessed am i that i literally have a trail out my back door, and it goes within two miles of my office. I am going to continue cleaning the office even though Bill is back to work, it is extra cash, and I need to save money for this goal. it will serve two purposes, one it will be a physical activity for me and two it is an Earth friendly option to ease up on using my car so often.
third goal:
I have always wanted to get my own Kayak, love the river, So this may be next summer, or I may have to get one on clearance next fall. when i was much heavier, realistically, this was something my Spirit wanted to do, but my body could not do.
Well so those are the goals that cross my mind, Not my weight, nor my size...... nor a time frame. .. i am living, loving, hoping, dreaming, laughing, ....... this is one awesome journey.
Now it is still a little too humid to head out on the trial, but i have this great Elliptical down in my game room, think i'll go there now..... before i get ready for work.
have a great day.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
====> low low carb
I noticed today when i went down to watch Paige while Chris and Megan finished up cookie baking, I have more energy.......... i move and dance, and make goofy moves the entire time i am there, I don't breath heavy........ i don't have sore muscles........... i feel so damn good!!! this is what counts.......... how I feel!!!! oh by the way, Paige is the sweetest most pleasant baby i know.... i love her so much!!! i am so glad that Chris is sharing her with me.......
Well, This is going to be short and sweet, I got home, finished supper, going to wash a load of clothes, and get ready for Popcorn (for everyone but me) and America's got talent. Our family has been watching this for 3 summers now...... the kids, me and Bill. ...
Blessings to everyone
Monday, August 17, 2009
~> heat index <~

i have adjusted my exercise level to my calorie intake level for a week or such. getting used to having the Lapband actually work for me right now. oh i can eat fine, but i haven't had to use my own will power to stop eating on my own since last Thursday. Now I understand why they say it is important to eat the protein first, up until now, i could eat my protein, and my carb, and even have a sugar free pudding. I can intake about 4 0z of food right now, in the evening as the day goes on, i can get in about 8 oz. i am drinking fine, not in any pain or discomfort, just feeling full.
Well I am getting ready for work, and then directly after work, i have to take Andrew to his orthodontist appointment, The boys started football camp today. Andrew has his driver's license, and his dad just picked him up, an old car to drive back and forth to school in. Even with Bill on strike, and me working almost everyday this summer, it sure has been a nice one... Time stands still for no one, Football season is here, so i will get even busier until the end of October, This is my son's senior year, and my foster son's senior year........ two graduating. next year. Sammy is a freshman this year, so i have him for a few more years.... I guess i've made living at home pretty darn peaceful for my kids, none have a desire to go far, Andrew wants to go to the college that is 20 minutes away, as Katie did/does. I even think when all is said and done, they may just plant their roots around here too, if possible!!! whatever, I want them to be happy and make their own peace and contentment no matter what path they take, That is what i want. ...... okay i better get off that topic before i start getting all melancholy, well i gotta scoot, I'll see you all later.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
So I've been lying to you guys all along
This is my first journey, so i've got nothing to go by, so this is the part where my title of this blog comes in, I've been lying all along that my band was working for me. I've been doing so well, but i was doing most of the work......... WHAT A BIG difference in just two days...... i don't even think i could eat one piece of pizza, and i am not hungry enough to try........ when my little 3 hour timer goes off on my watch indicating i can eat my next meal, i am still not hungry. These are small portions that i am taking......... and i find myself quite surprised that i get a sudden "full" feeling, not a sick feeling, or a painful feeling......... just a full feeling, For instance...... Bill and i went and cleaned the doctors office, usually we have sandwiches from subway, i get mine on flat bread, didn't even do that today. had my protein shake and some yogurt. for lunch i had a small salad with lean ham and turkey and a little ranch this was at one pm, by 5 pm I was ready to eat, but not starving, or wanting to pick at foods........ i ended up with a grilled turkey burger with avocado, Swiss cheese, lettuce tomato and bun, it came with fries, ....... i ate only 1/2 of my burger with no bun, and 5 french fries......... I was totally done eating, it is now 8 pm and I am still not hungry, i have plans for guacamole (2 TBS) and 10 Cherry tomato's ....
I am not sick, or nauseated, i am not slimming or miserable...... i am just not hungry right now. i am really curious to see how this is gonna work for the next few weeks....... Honestly, and i may be wrong, i really feel like i am going to do another big drop again in the next month or so, and then level off for a few more months........ Hey i've been going nothing but down in weight for a year and a half this is all good. I know this info may bore alot of you guys, and i apologize for it.... but my eating changes are just amazing me, and i am so excited to share.
I have so much more to talk about, but i'll have to do it at another time, but i got a few things to do before bed, so i am gonna say goodbye for now
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
full body view, although a little blurry

This next photo is taken just this morning by Katie, disregard the very "tall"bedhead, This is 4 and 1/2 months after the Lapband surgery. I have decided, yes i know that i am still a big girl yet. I know people would cringe to be in a size 18, sometimes 16. but coming from a tight 26 last February.......... I am pretty damn happy.
Why haven't i posted a full body picture before? I am not sure, you'd think I'd have posted one since after all my blog is about my changing life in all .....body and soul!!! now if i can just push the publish button......
IT is way too humid for me to hike outside right now, I would have a tough time breathing, So i will do another workout inside, i am contemplating going up and using the gym........ i have 45 minutes to decide.
Have a great day folks, and make it a good one.
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Sunday Dinner

My eating has changed so much, and i don't even think about it anymore, this past week has been very busy~ some day's went 12 or 14 hours. on one of those days Bill and I went to a Chinese Restaurant for dinner, I ordered chicken and broccoli, this huge plate came out, and I was so hungry, i started to eat too fast ~ i was able to eat about 1/2 to 3/4 a cup of rice chicken and broccoli~ and i got sick, actually had to go outside, the food stayed "stuck" for about 45 minutes, i did not actually throw up, but i had to spit alot, what happens is , when food gets stuck, your body naturally increases the saliva production, not just saliva as we know it, but thicker stuff..... so i had to keep spitting this, and i have found a trick to moving, moving my arms, twisting my torso, etc. to try and get things to move, as quick as I got sick, and it isn't nausea, or bloat feeling, but a pain in the center of my chest, is as quick as i felt better, I almost knew immediately that the food moved....... and the spit production stopped. honestly a year ago, i could have and would have eaten the entire monster plate, and that is no joke. yesterday i went to a party with my husband, it was his bosses retirement party, some of his co workers that haven't seen me since Katie's graduation party, noticed immediately that I've lost a lot of weight. Eating wasn't too difficult for me, I couldn't eat much, and i didn't mind, I tried a small piece of cake, and couldn't finish it, gave the rest to Bill. I am so happy with how the lapband is working with me now.......... I love it, and it has been the BEST decision for me. :0).
Oh and I took Christina's advice, I usually wear big clothing for two reasons, one, i don't want to waste too much money on clothing yet, and too, i feel save in my big clothes. Friday I stopped at her house with a pair of Khaki's and a black form fitted shirt, i was actually getting ready to stop at my house to change back into my safe clothing before work. But Christina seemed genuinely surprised and how good it looked on me, I promised her i would keep it on, Several people noticed at work too.......... don't think i will wear these clothes often, but i will wear them some.
one more thing, Simple Zucchini recipe
1 cake mix ( regular, or the low sugar) * i used chocolate once and spice once
shredded zucchini ( i used 2 med size)
1 egg
choc chips
i used one egg some choc chips and nuts
it is the moistest cake ever, and if you don't put any egg, chocolate or nuts in it is fat free
and if you use lower sugar cake mix, it is low sugar
tons of fiber........
kids love it, and were clueless that i used zucchini
shhh don't tell them
well i should get going, and visit with Bill awhile, have a great week everyone
Friday, August 07, 2009
Sadness :^(

Monday, August 03, 2009

Fog is pretty much what i've been in lately, or it seems like it. Just so busy and a lot on my mind, Getting the boys ready for school in a few weeks, scheduled football physicals, senior pictures, working extra at work. Things are going really well though, Pennsylvania is just starting to get the "summer" weather, with the humidity and lots of rain right now, this has taken a toll on my allergies.....and it has worn me out a little. Lapband wise i am doing really really well, still NO issues, still if i eat too fast, too much or too wrong.... my lapband reminds me~ yet i have not thrown up like i thought i would, ~ but the lapband is doing what it is supposed to do~be a tool and a reminder.
Exercise took a back seat last week, and that cannot be!!! I went over the weekend at got a DVD and bands (johnny told me to get this a long time ago, and when i can't get up to the gym, i was to use these, he uses these alot when he trains) I did upper body Sat, today i will do Core, Hoping for a nice hike tomorrow. Christina has been out of commission for a while, her back has given out on her, but i think she should be up and running soon.
I would love to tell you how much more weight i've lost~ i think i am leveling off, staying the same or -1 weekly. I haven't gained weight since last February, i was looking at my weight chart/graph. and i drop, level sometimes for a month, drop a bunch, level, drop, level ..........I like the word level instead of Plateau, Plateau sounds like a bad thing! But i have NOT gained in almost a year and a half. However, i think my scale is broke, the one week I gained 58 lbs in a day, two hours later i lost 102 lbs. the scale keeps shorting out, and it bounces back and forth and never settles on a number, then i lose the screen, and it blinks quickly. i tried new batteries..... not helping.........So I think until i can buy a new scale i'll just weigh in at the doctors.
Christina lives "next door" to me, and i think i've seen her once in two weeks..... and gee I miss Patti, actually Patti was in my dream on friday, i told Chris all about it. But Patti was at my house, and a doctor was coming to preform surgery on my ears , all Patti could think about was decorating for Christmas, she had sweat pants on and these 10 inch high heels, She wanted everything done before the doctor came........ long dream short. Patti was decorating and cooking, doctor came cleaned my ears with qtips (that was the surgery) and then ordered a nurse that was there to give me a shot of Demoral so i could sleep, The doctor had driven one of Jay Leno's cars to my house, .................... it is a much longer dream, and oh so weird...... how in the heck does the mind think up dreams like this.
Bill said he'd like to send me to Patti for a few days, i can't wait to actually plan it, I'll see what happens in a few months with finances, and then plans will be made. how fun would that be to hang with Patti in her neck of the woods.......???
well i better get my butt moving, or I should say my Core......... get showered and get ready to go to work, oh I gotta drop the boys off at football practice first.........
talk to you later,