Monday, December 08, 2008

7 years ago today

7 years ago today I was sitting in Lydia's sisters home getting my hair done. Bill had the boys with him, going to breakfast with his best man Gary. Bill and I were getting married. I wish I could tell you what Katie was doing, but i haven't a clue...... she was 12 and this was hardest for her. Andrew was 10 and Sammy was 6 (soon to be 7) The kids were 9,7, and 4 when Albert (daddy) left. there were many ups and downs..... and i can't even imagine what the kids felt. All that they knew, all of their safety, seemed to be pulled out from under them. As many of you know Bill and I did Not date long.. and many know the story about "God" telling me that i was going to meet and marry this man., i was actually dating someone else, and it wasn't Bill. But i kept having this nagging thought that i was to meet someone else,...... of course like usual, i argued with God, even ignored God. But I knew he was at my brothers church, and one day in April I walked into the church, turned to my sister in Law, and said..........there that man in the second row, I am supposed to marry him!!! She just looked at me and said well he is single, and she just laughed about the "i am going to marry him part". Well my friends got tired of hearing this for months on end, so finally...... in September one of my friends called me to give me Bill's number that she looked up....... although i do remember her telling me over and over again.... "don't tell him you are going to marry him,... don't tell him". well to make a long story short. I did call on Sept 14, Our first date was September 17, we were engaged November 1, and Married on December 8. ................. so back to the kids............... they didn't know Bill long, so i am sure that was a scary time for them......... fast forward seven years............... who would have even Imagined how well this would turn out. I adore Bill (most of the time) but sometimes the kids tell me they like him more than they like me :0)! Bill has dedicated his life to me and the kids, the kids come first and always have. My kids have never once said "you aren't my dad". they see how Bill and their father get along.......... it as a rule has all been good.

I have fun will Bill, and i enjoy being with him. Yes there are days that i would like to, how did i say it Kim?, his eyes shut. the second year was a tough year.... but it seems the older we get.. the more comfortable we are with each other. I think i'll keep him for another year.


Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary! Yes, I agree, you should keep him. There is no other Boogie Man like him.....

Kellie said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!
You all are an amazing family!
Love yaz