Saturday, February 23, 2008


waking up a few times through the night, i was aware that I was actually breathing okay.......... so i am not missing these breathing treatments.. this morning I felt pretty good........ did some house cleaning....... if you read Kims blog, you will already know that I Squizzled while i cleaned, even mopped the floor....... So i take my steroid inhaler at 10 am and again like clock work at 2ish, i experienced a really fast heart rate, jitteriness, muscle weakness....... instead of getting upset, or more anxious, i just knew this is how i will feel, and i dealt with it, tried to relax and sip some tea, concentrated on slow deep breathing.

I am wheezing tonight, and my muscles in my chest and around my ribs are so sore, even breathing hurts them......... So i am all "georged" down. right now, ready to take my final breathing treatment..... ready for bed!!

I KNOW that God knows what he is doing......... and even when i pout, he's there to listen, and hold me tight.............

Kim thanks for talking to me so much this weekend....... I've been praying really hard for Ronnie, one look in those Angel eyes (baby picture at your house) and you just gotta love the guy!!! Kim's mom and dad, stay healthy and take care of yourself

Patti stay away from this illness, Kellie thanks for the info via Email, and hang tight to that little one of yours,.... You'll do what is right, follow your gut, ........ Christina, hope you are feeling better..... and Anonymous...... just thanks for being you


Kim said...

Oh Sandi, you don't need to thank me....we're friends, practically sisters, that's what we do.....p.s. the Ronnie prayers are much appreciated....and he still has those eyes!

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sandi. Remember that story in the old testament where Jacob was wrestling with "the Angel of the Lord" (who I think was Jesus). Do you remember what Jacob said when the Angel wanted to leave? Jacob said "I will not let you go until you bless me." I pray that prayer a lot. Keep clinging to Him. Don't let Him go until He blesses. He will.