So my first attempt of getting photos of my kids for a christmas postcard failed. they kept goofing off, or I should say the boys kept goofing off, i quit trying!!! they knew i was angry so i am sure when i attempt this again, they won't make me cry in frustration!
This has been a wonderful long vacation weekend with my family~ if i could sum it up in one word, it would have to be CONTENT!!! I am so blessed that it scares me sometime, and maybe it isn't so much at what happens in my life, but how i look at things in my life. I've had my share of "issues" to say the least, and things aren't always easy, but God sure has a way of letting me know, he is still with me and in Control of every aspect of my life. The older i get, the more I seem to simplify my life. the more i live in the moment. I am learning to not let the World pull me under, and i must admit sometimes it is hard, (*four policemen shot to death while eating, a family member had thanksgiving dinner with his family, got up, went out to his car came back in with a gun,and shot his sister, his aunt, his young neice, to death....)a local girl just a little older than Katie, is fighting for her life, waiting for a new liver, just from too much Tylenol, another casual friends 8 year old nephew is in a coma on life support fighting for his life,i am remembering my nephew Alex who died 2 years ago, i am sure for his family it feels like yesterday.... I have to stay grounded, or it would overwelm me so much, I cannot control this world, but what i can do is not let it control me.
I truly dislike the first day of Deer season, i think it is just too dangerous, heck just where i live, out in the country is too dangerous. I look out my window, i can see spots of orange on the other side of the hill, and then i think...if a deer would run between us, he would be shooting in my direction!! Andrew goes out with his dad and grandpap, he is on family property, and his dad's cousins are pretty strict who is out there, and everyone knows where everyone else is located, so in that sense, it is safer, i just hold my breath alot and pray for a safe return. Sam could care less about hunting, Katie and a gun just scare me, although she does love to be called out to "gut" the deer that have been shot.
It is a cool rainy day, and i am here at work for a few hours just touching base here, as to what needs done, the office is actually closed, and i am actually in PJ's right now! think i'll head home after and watch some old Christmas movies, and wait to here from the great hunters
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