What a WONDERFUL vacation so far. When we left on Friday, it was unsure if "Hanna" was going to hit where we were going............ We went with Faith. well it couldn't have worked more perfect, we had a scheduled stop midway at Rocky Mount NC. it just started to sprinkle when we checked in. and, it just finished up raining about an hour after we left to head to the beach the next morning, The "little" tropical storm was all around us, but we never made contact with it. We got to our condo to picture perfect weather. we are 25 feet from the ocean, only about 10 feet during high tide. My brother took some awesome pictures this morning...... here are a few.
I miss Bill and the Boys, but i am enjoying reading and just chilling, Katie and I are going into the ocean in a while, we also have a "lazy" river at the condo as well as several pools and a huge hot tub. it is not crowded, and is very hot. my sister-in-law Anne and I went for almost 4 miles on the beach this morning in about an hour, so 15 minute miles NOT bad!!! My calories are staying under 1500, today i will adjust.......umm lets say i will be eating fruit and yogurt the rest of the day, and i am going to play in the ocean for at least an hour. Katie is being wonderful, and Uncle Chris is spoiling her. well i am going to go and fill out my food journal. talk to you later.
I'm so glad you checked in. I was worried when I saw the news last night. Have a great and relaxing time. I can't wait to be walking on the beach every morning again in another week.
I am so thankful that the storm hasn't interrupted your vacation! The pictures are beautiful! Have fun!!
ok,so miss sandi never did come into the ocean with princess katie,or the lazy river.
yes poor princess katie had to go lay out all by herself and go in the lazy river...all by herself.
umm so the lazy river was accomplished as well as a foot in the ocean. Also we played Wii for a couple hours, my first time, and let me tell you , i was sweating and couldn't catch my breath. and now my arm is killing me :0) oh and Katie beat me in about everything!!!
I am so glad you were able to enjoy the beach! Hope you had a great time.
PS... Katie you are not supposed to beat your Mom in everything.... Keep in mind Bill Cosby saying "I brought you into this world and I can take you out too!" LOL
But then again you are probably too young to know who Bill Cosby is anyway. Geesh kids these days... No Respect! Oh and BTW that was from George Carlin....
Lub yas
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