Yes, after June 21st the days become a little shorter...... minute by minute we loose. My X mother in law and I have this long standing thing..... she hates fall and winter, and i love those seasons. She hates dark evenings.. i find them "cozy". So on December 21st i usually get the call that the day's begin to get a little longer..... day by day! so of course i must call her on June 21st to tell her that the day will be 1 minute shorter tomorrow :0) she hates when I do that. I usually H.A.T.E. Summer, i don't like the humidity. i must admit though, since Larry put on the Porch... I don't seem to mind summer anymore! Oh also since we put in central air too. This year hasn't been as hot yet....... Only when Patti brought the Heat from Arizona, mixed with our humidity, did the weather seem unbearable to me. Lately it has been low humidity, cool nights, stormy evenings..... :0). ........ sometimes I am so in love with this beautiful Earth of Ours!!!
I've been thinking a lot about Melody lately, I certainly have not forgotten the Spirit she WAS/IS. I wonder as time goes on, is the pain more tolerable for her family and friends? She won't let me forget my Quest either, no matter how I want to give up on it, I remember her life and her fight.........
Bill and I will prob do our 'hike' with the dogs today... right now I go every other day, and I walk 2 miles. i always rest my knee the day after a walk....... just trying to be safe, I must say that my knee has been doing okay, so I don't want to screw it up again! I live in an Ideal place if I like to hike in the great outdoors..... I have at least 7 hiking trails within 5 miles of my home, 2 of them within 1 mile of my home...... So there is no excuse not to go, also I have a husband that actually wants to go with me. He likes to walk ahead, which i don't mind either...... i will need to get music to walk with though....... love to walk and listen to music!
Well as I look at my calender, it seems to be filling up quite fast, and I start work again in the middle of July.. not too many days, but a day or two maybe occ 3 days a week. Andrew has a lot of appointments and surgeries scheduled.....
I haven't been down as much to see Christina, and I miss her....... :0(, and I miss Megan too! Chris is sooooooooooo busy and even when she is NOT down at the golf course, she has a lot of work to do in the office, not counting everything else she does..... it is hard to catch up with her......
well i got to go pick the boys up from football practice, yes they practice from 6am until 730 am... Bill always takes them in for me, and then i pick them up. Bill does everything he can to make my life easier, and i so love him for that.
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