Saturday, June 28, 2008
Anatomy of a Storm on the Hill
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Patti's Louie!!!!

Speaking of which, Juneau is the type of breed (malamute/husky) that although very intelligent, lets just say if she had a middle finger she would use it. So Lou and Sadie behave like little soldiers, they have and understand the free reign they have in our yard..... they stay. Juneau needs to be tied out when she is out........ well yesterday she broke loose, and ran directly to the car and sat at the door, Sadie and Louie followed. So Bill and I decided NOT to go on a walk yesterday we were both tired...... but looking out at the dogs....... how could we Not go on a walk............ we went for the walk , came home with 3 happy dogs, and two happy dog owners....
Bill said we would NEVER have 3 dogs!!! NEVER, NEVER, NEVER!!! huh......... like I said, there is something about this Louie boy...... I can't believe it............. i have 3 dogs !!!!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Shorter Days
I've been thinking a lot about Melody lately, I certainly have not forgotten the Spirit she WAS/IS. I wonder as time goes on, is the pain more tolerable for her family and friends? She won't let me forget my Quest either, no matter how I want to give up on it, I remember her life and her fight.........
Bill and I will prob do our 'hike' with the dogs today... right now I go every other day, and I walk 2 miles. i always rest my knee the day after a walk....... just trying to be safe, I must say that my knee has been doing okay, so I don't want to screw it up again! I live in an Ideal place if I like to hike in the great outdoors..... I have at least 7 hiking trails within 5 miles of my home, 2 of them within 1 mile of my home...... So there is no excuse not to go, also I have a husband that actually wants to go with me. He likes to walk ahead, which i don't mind either...... i will need to get music to walk with though....... love to walk and listen to music!
Well as I look at my calender, it seems to be filling up quite fast, and I start work again in the middle of July.. not too many days, but a day or two maybe occ 3 days a week. Andrew has a lot of appointments and surgeries scheduled.....
I haven't been down as much to see Christina, and I miss her....... :0(, and I miss Megan too! Chris is sooooooooooo busy and even when she is NOT down at the golf course, she has a lot of work to do in the office, not counting everything else she does..... it is hard to catch up with her......
well i got to go pick the boys up from football practice, yes they practice from 6am until 730 am... Bill always takes them in for me, and then i pick them up. Bill does everything he can to make my life easier, and i so love him for that.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
4 am
.............. it has been 7 months since my nephew Alex died, he died in the middle of the night, he hit a patch of ice on a dry road, ice that should NOT have been there.... I kept thinking about him and his family, i just want to wrap my children up in bubble wrap and keep them with me. Of course i know that I can't. My mom and dad let me fly, oh I so have a new respect for them.......... and we didn't have a line of communication that we have now via cell phones. I had the pulsing life line of my phone beside my bed....... vibrating to me a message "2am mom leaving bowling, going to get a bite to eat, 3am leaving Denny's, 3:45am on my way home from Zack's,..........." i get up and unlock the door for her. i asked her to keep me posted. I slept between text messages, ahh, for this moment my family is home safe and sound in bed, the house is still and quiet......... things are changing, forever changing........and I too must change with them........... going back to bed, good night!!!!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Letting go......... so hard to do!!!!
Not sure what I am doing this weekend, My stomach was feeling queasy yesterday evening and it got worse as the evening wore on, and by the time I was talking to my kimmie...... i felt like supper wasn't going to stay down.
...... had a rough night. This morning there is some churning...... but it looks like i am going to be okay!!! I have a lot of laundry to wash, and I think Bill and I are taking the dogs for a walk, i think it is time to test my knee's just a little :0).
..... it was nice visiting with Christina a little yesterday.....Bill was annoying me though..... He wants me to come home and "help" him cook dinner, which i planned to do, since we weren't eating until 6pm, guess he was extra hungry when he got home from work.
I miss Kimmie and Patti, I've become quite attached. And i really can't wait until i can figure a way to see Kellie in Person. i am so lovin those GG's
well i got to go take the boys to football practice now...... have a great weekend
Monday, June 16, 2008

Patti, check out this sky from "the Porch" it was awesome, so windy too. I love the wind, i went out in the middle of the yard just to touch the wind :0)
I have major Cramping today, funny i was so tired yesterday, i mean dead tired, and I didn't put two and two together, I just was thinking wow, I must have something really wrong with me....... and I woke up this morning, with "IT" I've been so busy, it caught me off guard! I think after dinner, if we still have power, and I am not in the Land of OZ, I am going to take a hot shower, use a heating pad, chill on my chaise lounge in my bedroom, read a book and sip some soothing Chamomile and Mint tea.... if that doesn't work, i'll take an Ultracet (non narcotic, anti inflammatory pain medication) I have absolutely NO appetite, that is how miserable i feel right now....
Christina, haven't talked to you in a while, Bill said we should go together to Sam's Club more often. it was nice visiting with you without a child in tow
Kim, the kids, esp Corey and Sammy keep asking when the year of Payday is going to be played? Sammy still insists you may have won with money, but he truly had the better life which makes him the winner, you know, house, modeling job, rock band, dog, car...
Patti, Bill keeps asking when you are coming back :0), seriously you are greatly missed. You are a wonderful friend with an awesome spirit... How blessed I am to call you a friend
Kellie, thanks for the update... your life is so busy. I think about you often, Yesterday on Mystery Diagnosis they had a case that ended up being Chiari (spelling?) Malformation, the little girl went years and years without being diagnosed....... after two surgeries and a lot of therapy she did fine... but i just got a glimpse of what your poor guy must go through.
Love and Blessings to all,
Sunday, June 15, 2008
beautiful princess katie. (not ugly)

This is Katie and Mr. Berkey. She loves him like a grandpa! He is the BEST ever. She did not like the other pictures that were posted on here, so she put this one on here. Want some more? okay.

That is me and Dave. Thats my one teachers husband. He is super duper cute, huh? (:

yessssss i know. cutie? (:
Sandi would not let me put a picture of her on here, sorry. she said she'd kill me. And erase all these beautiful pictures. love.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Wow, Sandi without Words.......

Here are a couple of pictures of Katie on her Graduation Day! Seems like so long ago already. Not sure what I am doing today. it seems that last weekend was filled with activities, laughter, and friendship, and well this weekend I have nothing scheduled. BUT that is not a bad thing either. and in all honesty i've been so busy for so long, that a day or two of nothing may be a good idea! Wow for the first time I am at a loss for words....... mark that on your calender. I am going to get some house work done early, the laundry is almost complete, I just need to figure out what we are going to have for dinner now. and I would love to get a small walk in with the dogs. slow and steady of course. Have a good weekend folks
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Elegant and Earthy
These are the two thoughts that come to mind when i try and put words to Patti and Kim, Neither is bad/ or good Just a thought........ I've always pictured Patti as Elegant, with her pedicures and manicures, and pretty little shoes and purses..... I've always Pictured Kim as Earthy, one that loves the great out doors, and would be comfortable just about any where. I picture her comfortable in old sweats and worn tee shirts..... ( just for the record, i am VERY earthy). Well let me tell you, I think i got that ALL wrong this weekend. a few miles from my house, there is what we call a haunted house, an old house rich in history that has been empty for decades and decades. Patti wanted to check it out so we did. She fell in love with it........ and to just summarize a very long story, There is Patti, wanting to go into this dirty, dusty, broke down house, with spiders and snakes and other critters, mold on the walls, ceilings falling in. a home not occupied by humans in well over 60 years! I couldn't keep her away..... and then there was our Kimmie, she wasn't scared or anything, but she just didn't want to go into a musty, dusty, dirty broken down house full of spiders and flying bugs, and possible snakes and rodents lurking in corners. it was just all ~yucky~ to her. So i guess Kimmie is Elegant in Spirit, and Patti has more "Earth" to her spirit than i originally thought.
Well i have a long doctor appointment in Pittsburgh today... I really want to nip these lung and stomach problems before they become chronic and permanent. I really don't want a 4 year major lung infection streak this year!!!
Patti and Kim, my home is open to you guys any time.......
Kellie, you were in our thoughts and prayers this weekend.... we love ya girl. and Christina, what can I even say....... my bestest friend for years
I love you all !!!! True Friends, a small taste of Heaven on Earth
Friday, June 06, 2008
Taking a moment
I am so looking forward to the time I have with all of my friends...... I'll keep you posted on how it is going.......
Kellie, you are in our hearts, I know you can't make ANY plans, and we know in reality, things for you can change at a drop of a hat.....even if we could come your direction :0( , know that you are always in my prayers and thoughts love ya girl
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Katie's graduation is tomorrow........... my first "little one" to graduate. I don't think I'll cry.......... cry much!!!! It is another chapter in her life that has begun. For me, it's like, wow I actually got one raised..... and I think i did okay :0), she won't be leaving soon, she plans on commuting to College from home, she is happy here, and has no plans on leaving too soon. fine by me.
Kimmie brought it to my attention the other day that my blog was jumping all over the place- and she was right. What happens is i start to write, and then i get up and do something, come back and start to write again... and so forth. before i know it, I've talked about 3 different things in one paragraph, sometimes my blog writing is parallel with my life... jumbled and jumping from place to place :0).
Looking forward to the weekend..... But i know it is going to be busy too. however, I am learning to let things be as they are......... i don't plan on going crazy in any aspect........ well in most aspects!!! And i am looking forward to spending time with Good Friends.,
Well it is time that I get busy....... it is supposed to storm later, so i like having the house i can enjoy the storms.
Sunday, June 01, 2008
two in a row