Andrew my middle child, my oldest son graduated from high school last week..... where does time go? He plans on going to IUP the same college as his "big" sister. So he'll still be coming and going from home. This is the boy that missed a year of school after the head injury his sophomore year. this is the boy that had his upper and lower jaw broken and rearranged before his senior year. He managed to stay on Distinguished honor roll, inducted to the National honor society and take both senior and college classes. Oh he is also the boy that hates his mom hovering over him, can be so mouthy, and thinks he knows WAY more than i do. he couldn't stand that i needed to know where he was, what he was doing, and who he was with at all times. He was chosen to play in the Ken Lanzy all star football game http://www.kenlantzy.com/index.html and that is where he is right now. i know that he doesn't hang out at the house much anymore.... (two jobs and many social events) however i was happy with him coming and going.... and being here at night. it's just a week, and then he goes with his best friend and his family on a Cruise for another week........... I just have to get used to this......... this new chapter of life that i am in. i mean gee even Sammy is growing up!!! I will cherish this moment, and this stage i am in........ dwelling on the past is such a waste of time, as is worrying about how I'll handle an empty nest in the future. I remember my mom saying that it was so hard when each child finally left the nest.........BUT it was so much harder when some of her children came back to the nest......... so i think i will just enjoy this moment........
think I'll try water aerobics tomorrow as well as a hike.....I've had a few days off, and i need to get back in the groove of things....
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