Monday, October 31, 2011

The Gym

so i have been VERY faithful going to the gym to work with my trainer for 8 months. and although i don't always love it, I go, Saturday mornings when i would love to sleep in I am up and out of the house by 7:30 am. Thursdays when i could be at home getting things accomplished before my long work day........ i leave the house early in morning go to Gym, shower there and go straight to work. for instance, today is my only day off before i leave for Alabama, but i am going to the gym this morning. I may not always pay attention to my food diary.... BUT i don't miss a workout. I just don't want to miss a workout with Rudy! oh i tell him several times during our session that I hate him, but he seems to understand, and actually looks forward to getting me to say it. But i also would like him to know how much I appriciate him, how much I appricate his willingness to work with my schedule so i get three workouts in. How i appriciate his always being there and not cancelling on me. I appriciate he makes it affordable or i just wouldn't be able to go as often. I truly feel that I may have given up long ago, if i wasn't "forced to meet him at the gym. I don't have to figure out what machine works what body part, or if I did legs or upper body last. or what exercises work well together, he does that all for me. So Rudy, i just want to Thank You!!!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Making the best out of it

well we had made plans to go to Gettysburg for the weekend, complete with a Ghost tour, and dinner at the Historical Tavern the Dobbin House. Bills sister from South Carolina had also planned to go with Us.... well the weather put a little nitch in the plans, BUT i must say it was a beautiful day. Workout with Rudy, and then home to enjoy the fireplace, Holiday soup and my family. Right now i think i have 7 teenage boys here well a few 20 year olds too. Bill is sleeping and i just came into my bedroom to get some peace :-). No matter what I must have done something right, Kid still like hanging here, and i will enjoy every second as i do realize that before i know it, another "season" will hit my life and the kids will have lives of their own. I am really hoping to get a hike in tomorrow even if it's my local trail at Conemaugh. and I HAVE to start keeping track of my food to make sure i am not eating too much or too little..... i'd like to start this tomorrow.........
Have a blessed day

Friday, October 28, 2011

I am learning..........

Poor Patti, i really should start to blog again, it was theraputic for me, and it kept my friends updated on my life. I guess facebook is just quicker to jot down little nibs of my life. however i have been blogging for so long...... maybe i should start again. of course i had to change the look and the Blog Title. . . . As i get older, i am learning to do just what my title say's ...... I am enjoying the journey, oh the journey isn't always smooth and easy. but every moment in my life matters...... even the not so good days, i am learning to play in the rain, i have learned to not get crazy cleaning the house when company comes. i am learning that it is okay to have a bad day. I am learning that i don't have to please everyone. I am learning belonging to a church, doesn't make me closer to God, as i am finding out that I just couldn't be closer to Him out on the trails. I am learning that we all have our own strengths and weaknesses. and if i want to be known for my strengths, i am sure everyone else does too. i am learning that those really grumpy people that i run into, are really hurting and it isn't personal. I am learning to draw strength from my trials and tribulations, instead of letting my trials and tribulations pull the strength from me. I love my age, i love being 44 i don't wish to be younger, nor do i wish to be older. i just know that I love my life at this very moment. I will try and make an honest effort to blog again, not just for Patti, but for me....... so we shall see....... enjoy your very own Journey