Thursday, December 09, 2010

much much better

there was a moment that I thought i just was going to stay sick F>O>R>E>V>E>R!!! Not the case. I spent the entire weekend just resting as much as i could and drinking tons of hot tea and water. for four days i ate nothing but soup, Holiday soup, Chicken soup, French onion Soup, Tomato soup. I also included my morning shake and kept up on my vitamins :0).
I feel so much better, i felt pretty good yesterday too, however as the hours dragged on at work, i noticed i got more tired, and my voice "scratchiness" increased as i used it.
Today i am going to spend extra hours at work as Sammy has surgery this friday. I am wanting it to be over with, i am sure he will be fine... but this is his first issue with a keep your prayers going.
I am so ready to start back up with my exercise, whether it is hiking, or doing my Wii fit. I didn't do anything last week, as i was focusing on just letting my body heal.
Well i am going to get going now, as i am doing the house work and heading to the office.... tomorrow is going to be a long day.
Have a great day with many blessings

1 comment:

Patti Rambles On said...


hellooooooooooooooooo out there.
