Well, winter is getting weaker, and Spring seems to be picking up strength, the sounds, the smell, the feel is definitely spring. I don't mind either so it is all good. but this does make beautiful hiking weather, and i am looking forward to getting out on my bike soon. I continue to enjoy my WW meetings, its a good thing to add that accountability as my time is dwindling down for the Pittsburgh study. I did make an appointment for my lapband as it has been over a year and a half since i've had an adjustment. it is also a year an a half since i've had a major weight loss jump. in the last three years i have never really increased my weight, and i feel so awesome. I dropped a bunch of weight and then it's like my body got happy at this weight and is being stubborn so to speak. most of the time this does not bum me out, as i cannot put a time frame on Life. and i am living... learning...... growing.......
Well i should get going, i have to get ready to go and babysit. i babysit a little girl on Monday's and Tuesdays. work the office weds, Thurs, Fri . and usually clean the office Sat or Sunday.... i do miss having a day off to go on a long hike, or a day off just to be at home.... but, before i know it June will be here. and my babysitting job will be gone.... i don't want to rush time, so i won't complain.
have a great day,